The Day of Protest

- Events in Québec A19-21
Map of Quebec
Reports and Evaluations
( including pictures)
A20 Global Reports
other Languages
castellano / català
- Diarys Québec in 5 min: “slide show”
- Two anti-FTAA demonstrations that must not be ignored ! (imc, 21.4.)

- The FTAA Summit of "Tears & Gas", The Wall Of "Shame & Fame" ..... (long 23.4.)

- Solidarité: A Quebec Diary (long; 24.4.)

- The Quebec Chronicles (A20-A21)
(A-Infos, 26.4.)
A19 reports
- Tonite the marches began...
(19.04. imc DC)
A20/21 reports
- A Breach in the Wall (20.4.)

- Wall goes down... (20.4. imc DC)

- Activist Jaggi Singh Kidnapped
(20.4. imc DC)
- Heroes of the 21st Century
(20.4. imc DC)
- In Quebec City we are all the Black Bloc (21.4.)
- Inside the Perimeter (imc, 21.4.)
- Protester pile into the forbidden city
(21.4. imc DC)
- Reporting Back From Quebec City
(Janet M. Eaton, 27.4.)
- And the wall came tumbling down
(30.4. imc Vermont)
Teargas etc./ Police Brutality
- Tear Gas and Pepper Spray
(20.4. imc DC)
- Water cannons and dogs...
(20.4. imc DC)
- "Dancing with Teargas in our Eyes"
(Gary Morton)
- "This is what Democracy looks like
(Montreal Gazette, 21.4.)
- Brutal police attacks on medics & peaceful protest (Sara Ahronheim, 24.4. long)

- "Policing the People" (Judy Rebick, 24.4.)

- The view (through the tear gas) from the streets in Quebec (imc, 24.4.)
- The Quebec Wall: What lies behind FTAA?
(Michel Chossudovsky, 18.4.)
- The Fight for the Americas
(Maude Barlow, 21.4.)
- Summing up the Summit
(Maude Barlow, 24.4.)
- "A Police State in the Making"
(Toronto Globe & Mail, 24.4.)
- From Seattle to Quebec City
(Gary Morton, 30.4.)
- Something Did Start in Quebec City
(Cindy Milstein, June 2001)
- A20 Reports around the Globe
(incl. Border Actions)
PGA contact address :
Peoples' Global Action,
c/o Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW),377 Bank Street,
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
e-mail: agpweb (AT) lists.riseup.net; http://www.agp.org