Global Overview on PGA Actions

during the caravan

Cross Canada Caravan

09/23/99 386 arrested in Narmada valley

10/26/99 Activists in London occupy biggest ferry wheel of the world as Narmada protest

11/16/99 Occupation of the WTO building in Geneva

11/24/99 Adivasis Occupy World Bank Premises in New Delhi

11/27/99 Demonstration in Geneva: 5000 against the WTO

Call for virtual WTO-sit in

N 30 in Berlin

N 30 in London

N 30 in Prague

N 30 in Schiphol

N 30 in Tuebingen

N 30 in Italy: Rom, Milan & Padova

N 30 in Cologne

N 30 in India


12/02/99 Narmada Valley Peasants Oppose WTO and Globalization

12/03/99 Saboteurs Cut Power at WTO in Geneva

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