War & Globalization – War against «Terrorism»
- 9-11/WTO WTO Charm Offensive (Aziz Choudry, 29/6/2003)
- biotech Showdown in Sacramento? (Aziz Choudry, June 2003)
- WTO The crisis of the globalist project and the new economics of George W. Bush (Walden Bello, June 2003)
- Afghanistan Bush's Vietnam (John Pilger, 22/6/2003)
- Iraq Going Global: Building A Movement Against Empire (15/4/2003)
- Iraq Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris & Euphrates (Arundhati Roy, 2/4/2003)
- 9-11 How to Unseat the War Criminals & Reverse the Tide of War (Michel Chossudovsky 15/3/2003)
- Iraq Disobey (John Pilger, 13/3/2003)
- Iraq Recovering the Power of the Global Grass Roots in the Antiwar Movement (Cindy Milstein, March 2003)
- 9-11 "The Aftershock" (Immanuel Wallerstein, 1/3/2003)
- 9-11 The paydirt of paranoia - privatising detention (Aziz Choudry, 25/2/2003)
- 9-11 "The Righteous War" (Immanuel Wallerstein, 15/2/2003)
- Iraq Before the war (Ignacio Ramonet, February 2003)
- water dimension to war against Iraq (February 2003)
- Fabricating an Enemy (Michel Chossudovsky 28/1/2003)
- Confronting Empire (Arundhati Roy, 27/1/2003 2003)
- War Propaganda (Michel Chossudovsky 16/1/2003)
- 9-11 The War in Afghanistan (Noam Chomsky, Dec 2002)
- Come September (Arundhati Roy, 18/9/2002)
- Iraq Rebuilding America's Defenses (Neil Mackay, 15/9/2002)
- Iraq Drain the swamp and there will be no more mosquitoes (Chomsky 9/9/2002)
- 9-11 What Americans have learnt - and not learnt (Chomsky 7/9/2002)
- Iraq The political Economy of the planned U.S.-War (Peter Custers 3/9/2002)
- Sudan The Civil War in Sudan and the Trading Mechanisms of Disparate Exchange - Part I Part II (Peter Custers 2/9/2002)
- Afghanistan Dark Clouds amassing on Afghanistan's political Horizon (Marco Mezzera, 20.8.02)
- 9-11 The Missing Link (Michel Chossudovsky, 20.06.02)
- Kashmir Summer Games With Nuclear Bombs (Arundhati Roy, June 2002)
- Iraq Pretext for war with Iraq threatened (George Monbiot, 16.04.02)
- US Military-Industrial Complex: Profiting from War (Jennifer del Rosario-Malonzo, April 2002)
- Brand USA -Destined to Fail (Naomi Klein, 10.03.02)
- U.S. Works Up Plan for Using Nuclear Arms (William M. Arkin, 3/2002)
- Depleted Uranium in Bunker Bombs (Robert James Parsons, 3/2002)
- Terrorism As Cannibalism (Vandana Shiva, 23.01.02)
- War, Globalization, and Reproduction (Silvia Federici, 01/2002)
- 9-11 Antiauthoritarian Politics after September 11 (Cindy Milstein, 1/2002)
- The truths they never tell us (John Pilger, 26.11.01)
- Afghanistan Why is there a War in Afghanistan? (John McMurtry, 9.12.01)
- The War for Terrorism and Capitalist Globalisation (Jonathan Pattenden, December 01)
- Qatar reveals impact of Sept 11 on trade battle (Judy Rebick, 17.11.01)
- The war against terrorism is a fraud (John Pilger, Nov. 2001)
- 9-11 Starhawk: Moving Forward after 911 (31.10.01)
- Afghanistan The US has been training terrorists (George Monbiot, 30.10.01)
- Globalisation And Talibanisation (Vandana Shiva, 30.10.01)
- "Demonstrations and other terrorist acts" (Kenneth Haar, 28.11.01)
- How to lose a War (Walden Bello, 24.10.01)
- Afghanistan More on US oil agenda in Afghanistan (Ahmed Rashid/ Ben Aris 24.10.01)
- Why America Must Stop the War Now (Arundhati Roy, 23.10.01)
- War is Peace (Arundhati Roy, 22.10.01)
- The New War Against Terror (Noam Chomsky, 18.10.01)
- The Charge of the Trade Brigade (Maude Barlow, 10.10.01)
- Protesting in the Post-WTC Age (Naomi Klein, 10.10.01)
- 9-11 A Essay on the Events of September 11 (George Caffentzis 6.10.01)
- Attacks in US lend new urgency to push for free trade (Guy de Jonquières and Frances Williams - Oct 01 2001)
- 9-11 American Triumphalism and the Conditions that Led to September 11 (Steven C Clemons, 1/10/2001)
- War of the Worlds: United States: All-Powerful But Powerless (Steven C Clemons - Ignacio Ramonet, October 01)
- The algebra of infinite justice (Arundhati Roy, 29.09.01)
- Fighting terrorism of all brands (Vandana Shiva, 22.09.01)
- An Anti-authoritarian Response to the war efforts (Marina Sitrin/ Chuck Morse 21/9/2001)
- Chomsky Radio B92 Belgrade (20.09.01)
- Endless War? (Walden Bello, 18.09.01)
- 9-11 Kevin Danaher on the 9-11 Attacks (14.09.01)
- Time to fight back for the globalization (Antti Rautiainen, 14.09.01)
- Starhawk: Hold the Vision (14.09.01)
- 9-11 Chomsky on the Bombings (13.09.01)
- 9-11 The End of VideoGame Wars (Naomi Klein, 13.09.01)
- 9-11 Inevitable ring to the unimaginable (John Pilger, 13.09.01)
- Who is Ousmane Bin Laden? (Michel Chossudovsky 12.9.01)
- Robert Fisk: Terror in America (12.09.01)
- Developing the anti-war movement (Bob Myers, 09/2001)

texte in deutsch
- Afghanistan Sie bewachen seinen Schlaf (Eduardo Galeano, 27/6/2003)
- Unsere Wut ist grenzenlos: Über den Antiamerikanismus als Ideologie (Arundhati Roy 02.10.02)
- Irak Kriegsdrohung gegen den Irak: ueber amerikanische Alleingaenge und deutsche Wege (September 2002)
- Afghanistan Erdölkonsortien, Geheimdienste und internationale Vermittler (Pierre Abramovic, Januar 2002)
- Die Bush-Bin Ladin-Connection (Mathias Bröckers 20.11.01)
- 9-11 A. v. Bülow: «Wer waren die Insider?» / KONKRET-Interview (12.12.01)
- 9-11 George Caffentzis Essay zum 11. September in 3 Teilen bei Junge Welt:
Warum diese Verzweiflung? (27.11.01)
Das Terrain der Worte (28.11.)
Was tun? (29.11.)
- 9-11 Zu den Bombardierungen (Noam Chomsky 13.09.01)
- Wer ist Usama Ben Laden (Michel Chossudovsky, 12.09.01)
- Kampf um Öl (Ranjit Devraj, 12.10.01)
- Eduardo Galeano: Symbole (18.10.01)
- Reichstagsbrandstiftung in New York (Boris Kagarlitzky, 24.09.01)
- Folgt nach den Anschlägen das Gipfelsterben? (Nick Lüthi, 18.09.01)
- Ist ein US-Angriff gegen den Irak noch vermeidbar? (Clemens Ronnefeldt, 14.03.02)
- Terror ist nur ein Symptom (Arundhati Roy, 28.09.01)
- Krieg ist Frieden (Arundhati Roy, 31.10.01)
- Pentagon-Dementis geplatzt (Rainer Rupp, 19.10.01)
- Die Linke, der Bellizismus und die Friedensbewegung (Thomas Seibert, 17.1.2003)
- brot, bomben und lügen (Christoph Spehr, 15.10.01)
- Der Tod schleicht sich wieder an (Christoph Spehr, de.indymedia, 28.10.01)
- Hate is in the air (Christoph Spehr, de.indymedia, 26.11.01)
- Gespräch mit Gore Vidal: Amerika braucht Feinde (18.10.01)
- 9-11 Mehr Fragen zum Terrorangriff! (01.11.01)
- Iraq Die USA bereiten einen Angriff auf den Irak vor (06.12.01)
- Flugnummer Q33 NY
- mehr deutsche texte: http://de.indymedia.org/antimil.html

textos en castellano
- El ALCA y la legalización del imperialismo (1/12/2003)
- Democracia Imperial de mezcla instantánea (Arundhati Roy 21/10/2003)
- Base estadounidense para "estudios nucleares pacificos" en Tierra del Fuego (17/9/2002)
- Ni derechos ni Humanos (Eduardo Galeano Setiembro de 2002)
- Eduardo Galeano: Trofeos (3.7.2002)
- George Bush Necesita Urgentemente de una NuevaGuerra... (Noam Chomsky, 24 de febrero de 2002)
- La Guerra de Bush (Hernán Pérez Zapata, Febrero de 2002)
- Plan imperial contra América Latina (Heinz Dieterich Steffan, imc colombia, 30.1.02)
- Euro versus dólar, y el fantasma de "Europa" tras el 11-S (Ramón Fernández Durán, enero de 2002)
- Eduardo Galeano: Símbolos (18.10.01)
- Bush y su Santa Alianza, en el Imperico Contraataca (Ramón Fernández Durán, octubre de 2001)
- El álgebra de la 'justicia infinita' (Arundhati Roy, 29/9/2001)
- El terrorismo - Entre víctimas y victimarios (Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, 20 de setiembro de 2001)
- La Crisis llegó al Centro y la Guerra también (Hector Mondragon, 12.9.01)

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