Bordercamp 2000

3rd antiracist bordercamp
by the campaign 'no one is illegal'
29th of July to 6th of August 2000
in Forst / Brandenburg / Germany
welcome to Telecity Forst 


Down with the restriction to residence!

Different than in other Europeen countries refugees in Germany are by a passlaw restricted to their place of residence. According to the foreigners law they may not leave their assigned district or area without permission.

The permission will only be given, if there is a valid reason. 10 or 20 DM must be paid - A hardship for the refugees, who get only 80 DM spending money per month. The penalty for disrespecting this law can range from 20 to 5000 DM or even jail if repeatedly disrespected, the expulsion from Germany can follow. For Jose-Maria Jones this became reality after he left his district three times without permission.

Besides this law there are many other difficulties, the refugees face. The refugee homes are often situated in the middle of nowhere. They are not allowed to work. Family, friends and relatives are often separated.

Not only the requirement to stay in the district, but also the sign in form, that controls the presence of the refugee in the home, are a harresment, because spending money and food stemps will only be given, if the person is present. Repeated unpresence can be a reason for expulsion from the country.

Social life and political activity are made impossible by these restrictions. So it is not surprising that many refugees have great psychological problems, because of isolation from friends and inactivity to which they are condemned for years. For many refugees it was not possible to partake at the Karawanekongress in Jena this year in april.

The rassist laws, which became even more restricted in 1993, are part of the daily rassism that refugees encounter in Germany.

The refugee congress in Jena has made the restriction of residence to their main topic. Especially the state of Brandenburg denied the permissions to travel to the congress to several refugees mainly from Rathenow.

Our political strategy is the open disrespect for the restriction to the place of residence. This will also happen at this border camp. With this disrespect of the law the refugees are taking a high risk: the expulsion from the country. We should think about strategies how to support them politicaly at the camp and afterwards.

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