campamento al borde
 Tarifa Spanien 02.-10.0Tarifa Spanien 02.-8.07.2001 
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4.-8. Juli 2001 
Grenzcamp in Petisovci, Slowenien 

Während die EU auf die wirtschaftspolitische Elite Sloweniens
Druck ausübt Migration zu unterbinden, versucht der slowenische 
Staat die Migrationsproblematik ausschliesslich mit repressiven 
und gewaltsamen Mitteln zu lösen. Das Schicksal der 
MigrantInnen liegt somit allein in den Händen der Polizei. Diese 
praktiziert jedoch eine "Zero Tolerance"-Politik und versucht damit 
zu verhindern, dass MigrantInnen auf slowenisches Territorium
gelangen. Zu diesem Zweck hat Slowenien eine grosse 
Einsatzgruppe gebildet und an der südlichen und süd-östlichen 
Grenze zu Kroatien und Ungarn stationiert. Angesichts ständiger 
Schikanierungen von MigrantInnen und der lokalen Bevökerung 
begannen sich letztere zu organisieren um Flüchtlingen über die
Grenze zu helfen. Die Schubgefängnisse, in die festgenomme 
MigrantInnen gebracht werden sind überfüllt und die Zustäde 
lebensunwürdig. Zusammen mit einer medialen Hetzkampagne, 
die MigrantInnen als Kriminelle und Krankheitsüberträger 
denunziert, führte diese Praxis zu einer Zunahme der Konflikte 
zwischen der lokalen Bevölkerung und den MigrantInnen was
wiederum zu einer Welle von Ausländerfeindlichkeit in Slowenien
(no bordertour)


Greetings from Slovenia 

We are a collective Globala which is dealing with the problems 
of globalization. At this point we are very involved in the immi-
gration problematic in Slovenia. 
Together with other autonomous groups and individuals under
the coordination of the Office for Interventions, we already 
prepared a manifestation against xenophobia, for open borders
in Ljubljana. 
Together with Italian activists from Ya Basta, Centri sociali 
nord-est, Permanent forum for the rights of immigrants... we 
established a network in the territory of Alpe-Adria. 
Our aim is a free circulation of radical social movements in the 
area of north-east Italy, Slovenia, Southern Austria and Croatia. 
In the context of manifestations against the G8 summit in Trieste,
we participated in the manifestation against the border which d
evides Italian and Slovene Gorica.
We are also establishing an "Office for the rights of immigrant", 
which aim is going to be to make immigrants, detained in the 
concentration centres, for the subject of public life in Slovenia 
(instead of being object). 

At the beggining of the july we are going to organize the 
summer camp on the border between Slovenia, Croatia 
and Hungary (near the town of Lendava). It's prime goal will 
be to gather activists from Europe and broader to exchange 
experiances and to learn from eachother. The summer camp is 
going to be finished by the manifestation against the repression 
on the Slovene borders. It would be great If you could includ our 
initiatives in your schedule and plans. 


 Summer camp in Petisovci in Slovenia 

Collective Globala, association Political laboratory and 
co-ordination of different autonomous political groups OFI
(Office for Interventions) are organising an "Open borders summer 
camp" in Slovenia. 
The problem of immigrations in Slovenia is very accentuated. 
The Balkan path has been released after the end of Yugoslav 
wars, the State is dealing with the problem in exclusively
repressive and violent manner, the European Union is pressing
economo-political elite to stop any migration what so ever. 

The fortune of immigrants is completely in the hands of the police. 
The state politics is to prevent any immigrant to enter the territory
of Slovenia (zero tolerance at the border). So the state has 
accumulate huge police force at the southern and eastern border
(with Croatia and Hungary). By doing this they established a 
poolice regime in the border area. The police does not allow 
any contacts with the immigrants there for harassing the local 
inhabitants if they do so. In spite of such police measures local
inhabitants are self-organising and they help those who illegally 
cross the border. Those immigrants that are caught are
imprisoned in the special detention centres, which are 
overcrowded and inappropriate for living. Because of that and 
because of police manoeuvres with them the conflicts between 
local inhabitants and immigrants are unavoidable. Through this 
and by the media interpretations of immigrants as criminals and 
disease carriers there is a huge wave of xenophobia in Slovenia. 
We prepared a manifestation against xenophobia and for open 
borders in Ljubljana which changed the attitude of media, but the 
state politics stayed the same. 

The starting point of our activities is that we live in the global, 
world society and by this fact we demand the indiscriminate right 
for global movement and the acknowledgement of universal social 
and political rights, that is universal citizenship. In this context we
established together with association Ya basta! from Northeast 
Italy a network trans-alpina, which aim is the area of Alpe Adria 
(Northeast Italy, Slovenia, Southern Austria and Croatia) without 
borders. Our concrete goal is the free circulation of radical social 
movements. The manifestation in Ljubljana was the first common 
action. Latter we participated in the manifestation against G8 in 
Trieste and we organised common manifestation on the border 
between Gorizia and Nova Gorica (divided city in divided world). 

We are organising the No border summer camp through which we 
would like to share experiences and knowledge with activists that 
are acting against borders and against discrimination of 
immigrants in the context of the globalisation of resistance. We 
would also like to co-ordinate future activities in the framework of 
Transalpine network and broader. The activities in the camp are 
going to culminate in the manifestation at the border.

The summer camp is going to take place between 4th and 8th of 
July in the village Petisovci near Lendava. The location is filled 
with symbolic. It is 1 kilometre from the Croatian border, 
2 kilometres from Hungarian border, next to a dying refinery, in 
the place that was once a spa.

Technical point: We are trying to collect founds, so the costs for 
individual participants are going to be as minimal as possible. 
For further informations and to register please contact:


Short program

Opening Day

Opening discussion
Presentation of present situation in Slovenia, presentation of situation in the 
countries of participants. Introduction of activists from different groups and 
countries and their work in theory and practise. 

Lunch and siesta

Videoprojections, discussions.


Lectures and workshops
Topics: migrations, problem of borders, evolution of citizenship, future of 
nation-state, universal citizienship,etc. 

Lunch and siesta

Discussion about Genova mobilisation
Videoprojections, discussions.


12h- late evening
Excursion to border areas in order to make contacts to local population 
and to excahange informations and experiences


Workshop about art and theory of revolt (against frontiers) , repressive regime.
Discussion on the different possibilities of civil disobedience.

Lunch and siesta

Evaluation of programme and future activities of the Transalpina network, 
its potentials and possibilities of cooperation.

08.7. 2001
Final day
Manifestation on the border 

Every morning self-initiatived recreation, meditation, 
old greek style philosophical activities.
Every evening art of resistance festival, concerts, music, fun and pleasure.


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anticopyright 2001