
Rote Hilfe
PF 306 302
20329 Hamburg
Fax ++49/40/439 08 12

Dear friends and comrades!
The repression against Isaac Velazco, European speaker of the Peruvian liberation movement MRTA, is getting stronger and stronger. The German authorities have been trying to silence him for more than a year now.
Owing to his statements for his revolutionary organization, the Federal Prosecutioner has now started an investigation which by law could end with 15 years of prison and/or the expulsion of Isaac Velazco (who lives in Germany).

As one among several steps to fight against the repressive measurements and to show solidarity with the all people fighting for freedom and
dignity in Peru and elsewhere, we are organizing to publish a resolution. We want it to be signed by groups and organizations from all over the world.

Please sign the resolution and let us know until October 15th.

Thank you all!

La lucha continúa! The fight will go on!

Rote Hilfe Hamburg

Resolution for Isaac Velazco

On May 5th 1998 in Hamburg/Germany the apartment and office of Isaac

Velazco, European speaker of the Peruvian MRTA (Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru), and Ada Beraun, human rights activist, were searched by federal police agents and officials of the Federal Prosecutor. A great amount of working material, including all handwritten documents and all floppy disks, as well as video tapes and photos, were confiscated. The computer's harddisk was copied. According to the search warrant, the activists are accused of hostage-taking. Both are suspected of having taken part in planning and carrying out the occupation of the Japanese Ambassador's residence in Lima/Peru from their home in Hamburg.

Isaac Velazco and Ada Beraun consider it their duty to inform the international public about what is happening in Peru, about the human
rights violations and the struggle against Alberto Fujimori's dictatorial regimen. This work is heavily obstructed if not endangered by the
confiscations and the investigation.
The Federal Prosecutioner considers issuing a warrant of arrest, thus threatening Isaac Velazco with deportation to Peru, the government of which already has applied for his extradition.

We protest against this new attempt to make the Peruvian activists' political work impossible - an attempt which at the same time is putting
Isaac Velazco's life in danger. Velazco, who lives as an acknowledged political refugee in Germany, has been sentenced in his absence to
lifelong terms in three different trials. His extradition to the torture state of Peru would mean a death sentence.

The raid stands in a line of repressive measures imposed by the German state against Isaac Velazco. At the beginning of last year the Federal
Prosecutioner checked the possibility of declaring the MRTA's European representation a "terrorist association". For about a year now German authorities have been making efforts to officially prohibit Mr. Velazco's political work.

The new attempt to silence Isaac Velazco was made at a time in which those political prisoners in Peru who are MRTA-members were on hunger strike. They considered this way of applying to the public as the ultimate possibility of preventing an impending massacre by the Peruvian state and to bring about confinement conditions that respect human dignity. The public relations work of the MRTA European representative had an especially high importance in this situation. The German federal authorities' measures apparently follow an initiative of the Peruvian government with which German intelligence services are closely cooperating.

We are urging the German federal prosecutioner to immediately end the proceedings and to give back the confiscated materials at once! No
restrictions nor prohibitions for Isaac Velazco's political work!

Until today the following groups have signed:

Arbeitskreis Lateinamerika, Hannover;  Archiv e.V., Potsdam;   Autonome Antifa M, Goettingen;   Chile AG, Braunschweig;   Cuba Si, Braunschweig;   Cuba Si, Weimar;   Cuba Si, Wiesbaden;    Cubagruppe Freiburg;   DKP Muenchen, Kreisvorstand;    El Rojito, Hamburg; Fantifa Olga B., Hamburg;    FG BRD-Cuba, Koeln;    Fluechtlingsrat Hamburg (Antirassistisches Telefon; Aktion Brueckenschlag Jubilate-Oejendorf; Aktionsgruppe gegen Krieg und Militaer/ Gewaltfreies Aktionsbuendnis;   Alternative Liste Hamburg;   Amnesty International Hamburg;    Amnesty For Women;    Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsch- Auslaendische Zusammenarbeit/Steilshoop (AGDAZ);    AK Pavillondoerfer fuer AsylbewerberInnen/Schnelsen;    Beirat der Herrnhuter Bruedergemeinde;   Buero fuer notwendige Einmischung; "Dem Hass keine Chance"/Wilhelmsburg;   Fluechtlingsbuero e.V.;    Frauengruppe gegen Rassismus;     Front der Togoischen  Fluechtlinge in Hamburg   Foerderverein Pavillondorf am Tessenowweg;      GAL- Buergerschaftsfraktion Hamburg;    GAL-Vorstand Eimsbuettel; GAL-Vorstand Wandsbek;     Gemeinwesen Arbeit St. Pauli Sued (GWA);    Gesellschaft zur Unterstuetzung von Gefolterten und Verfolgten e.V.;    GEW Landesausschuss EinwanderInnen und Fluechtlinge (LEF);   Ghana-Burg e.V.;    Hamburger AK Asyl e.V.;   Hamburger Friedenskonferenz Fluechtlingsinitiative/Stellingen;     Initiative Wiesendamm;    Initiative Bramfelder Selbsthife und Sozialarbeit  (IN BRASS);   Internationales Fluechtlingsforum;   Yugoslavien Komitee (YUKOM);   Jusos Nord;    Oekumenische Arbeitsstelle im Kirchenkreis Storman;   Osterkirche Bramfeld;   Pauluskirche Altona;    Pax Christi;   Simeonkirche Bramfeld;   SOKONI e.V.;    Solidarische Kirche in Nordelbien;   terre des hommes;   Verband der Initiativgruppen in der Auslaenderarbeit/ Regionalverband Nord e.V.;    Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften/Interessengemeinschaft der mit Auslaendern verheirateten Frauen (IAF);   Volkshaus;   "Why not"/Internationales Jugendcafe;    WOG e.V.;   WIR/internationales Zentrum in Altona e.V.);    Freundschaftgesellschaft BRD- Cuba, Goettingen;    Gruppe Demontage, Hamburg;    Gruppe Internationale, Berlin;     Gruppe Venceremos, Berlin;    Guatemala-Komitee, Berlin;
Hochschulantifa Hamburg;    Infoladen Leipzig;     Institut fuer Migration und Rassismusforschung, Hamburg;    PDS/LL Kreisvorstand Braunschweig;    Pressearchiv/Buchladen, Leipzig;    Radio Freies Sender Kombinat, Hamburg;  ReferentInnenrat der Humboltuniversitaet Berlin;    SJD - Die Falken,   LV Brandenburg;   Sol Cuba, Nuernberg;   Solidaritaetskomitee Peru, Muenchen;   Soziales Zentrum Norderstedt; Volxcafe an der Uni Hamburg;   Movimiento Patria Libre (MPL), Paraguay;    Komitee Freiheit fuer Patricio Ortiz, Zuerich;   Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen,    Frankfurt a.M.

Signing groups please write to: Rote Hilfe, PF 306 302, 20253 Hamburg,

Germany, Fax ++49/40/439 08 12, e-mail:

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