Documents of the Second Central Committee of M.R.T.A.
August, 1988

Second Central Committee of MRTA

The following text is that of the documents approved by the Second Central Committee of MRTA

In moments in which the country carries on a debate during one of the most profound crises of its history, with the government appealing to the most brutal repression in trying to contain protest and the struggles of the people and the actions of the revolutionary organizations, the Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) successfully realized its Second Central Committee.
In this important event, which took place in August of the present year, delegates and leaders from all the regions of the country took part; those from the different fronts of struggle as well as the commanders of the Popular Tupacamarist Army.
Various sister organizations from Latin America sent their greetings including the URNG from Guatemala, the FMLN from El Salvador and the National Guerrilla Coordinating Body (CNG) from Colombia, as well as including the Alfaro Vive and Montoneras Patria Libre of Ecuador, the Axis of Patriotic Convergence of Bolivia, the MIR and the Manuel Rodr¡guez Patriotic Front from Chile and Tupamaros National Liberation Movement from Uruguay.

Greetings from democratic and solidarity organizations in Europe and the U.S. were also received. Equally so, messages from the compa¤eros who find themselves imprisoned in the various prisons of the country were received and warmly applauded, in addition to those of the family members of fallen or disappeared combatants.
The Second Central Committee developed under the Presidium of the immortal figures of Marx, Lenin and Ho Chi Minh, in addition to those of Túpac Amaru, Micaela Bastidas, Jos‚ Carlos Mariátegui, Luis de la Puente Uceda and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
The encounter recounted the Tupacamarist combatants who have fallen in the struggle which places us in confrontation with the bourgeoisie, its state and imperialism. We paid homage to them in an emotive and revolutionary manner. It was remembered that the Second Central Committee was named for the following companeros: Mario Rendón, for the urban military force; Alcides Reátegui for the rural military force; Zoila López for the militia forces and in honor of the combatant woman; and for the compañero Juan Rodríguez, for the self-defense groups of the masses.

In the Second Central Committee, the theme that was adopted was that of "WITH THE MASSES, IN THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, WE WILL ADVANCE IN THE CONQUEST OF POPULAR POWER". The following documents were presented for their debate and approval:
A history of the struggles of the Peruvian people.
The character of society.
The character of the revolution.
The party and statutes.
Military line and regulations.
Mass line.
Political situation.
Political-military plan for the present period.

All of these were widely discussed and each and every one of the members of the Central Committee lent his or her definition to the debate. This provided for an enriching example of our collective work. This debate permitted us to verify, as well, the high degree of ideological and political homogeneity achieved by the MRTA during its combat actions.
A critical and self-critical assessment of the 18 months which had passed since the First Central Committee had occurred was realized. Such an assessment included a review of the months of party construction, the rooting of MRTA in the masses and the continuous struggle.
The opening of the North-Eastern Front was evaluated. This was a victorious campaign which culminated with the taking of Juanju¡ and the occupation of Valle de Sisa, constituting itself in the highest point of armed struggle in the country. This is an episode that now forms part of the revolutionary history of Peru. In addition, the tactical realignment of this Front was viewed, which resulted in broad support by the masses.
The widening of the urban struggle in the entire country was analyzed, beginning with the commandos, militias and self-defense groups.
The growing influence of the Mass Front was verified, wherein it has been possible to be part of the conducting of campaigns of class struggle, on regional as well as national bases.

The levels of influence achieved in the patriotic and democratic sectors of intellectuals were also appreciatively  evaluated.
The levels of organization, revolutionary commitment and combativeness achieved by MRTA prisoners and their families were saluted.
The consolidation of the "spinal column" of our organization through its integral political-military cadre was verified.
In synthesis, it could be appreciated that the development of all the forms of conflict gives us an all-encompassing vision of the class struggle in Peru; a class struggle whose application permits us to profile the MRTA as the embryo in the construction of the Party of the Peruvian Revolution.

It was specified that the actual pre-revolutionary period is advancing towards a revolutionary situation. The Peruvian people and its organizations of the Left will see themselves confronted with tasks which open up the road to the conquest of liberation, justice and happiness in our nation. Due to this, the MRTA has
the tremendous responsibility to place itself at the head of the confrontations which loom on the horizon. It must incorporate the broad masses in the revolutionary war and the insurrection for the conquest of Popular Power.

The Central Committee agreed to disseminate in the broadest of forms the documents that contain its resolutions, which we place at the disposition of national and international public opinion. We know that many will be surprised by the publication, including that of those organic documents which could be considered internal to the MRTA. Nonetheless, we, as revolutionaries, have nothing to hide from the people. Directly  facing the masses we must enunciate our proposals and make possible the debate and confrontation of ideas. This will be, without a doubt, fruitful and beneficial.

Finally, the Second Central Committee greeted and ratified its actual leadership. It was recognized that our leadership has been at the forefront of the requirements of the battles within the class struggle in our country.
Despite the official and "officialistic" silencing of the development of our organization, of the intent to deform our proposals and our practice, we would like to verify that the MRTA is very much present in the heart of the masses.

Peru, August, 1988
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