Funding needed for legal action against the repression of the G8!!
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003
(castellano abajo)


During the G8 in Evian, Geneva, Lausanne and Annemasse there was widespread police repression against all forms of action. This repression is not uncommon in recent years, but we shouldn't start to accept it as normal. Neither should we be unprepared for it in future years. Now more than ever we must react against police repression in all its forms.

We need to follow up on the general and specific cases from the G8 to ensure that the police (Swiss, French, German...) do not get away with their actions, and that their actions are seen as connected to wider global repression, by the press as well as the public.

Police repression in the G8 included:

This is just a summary of the actions by the police, and the fact that no-one was killed this time is down to luck.

Police repression in all its forms must be challenged, and the individuals and police forces themselves need to be held responsible.

The wider repression of acitivists shows an alarming trend, with these incidents becoming commonplace. Recent targeted killings of demostrators and human shields from the occupied territories to Papua-Guniea or Argentina together with the killing of Carlo Guiliani in Genoa ( for which the police have been prosecuted but found innocent) show that around the world the political enclosure and violent repression of the antineoliberal social movements continues to escalate realively to the level of police impunity.

Different groups are working on the legal follow up of the G8 summit:

Most of these groups are in contact and will share money wherever it is needed most.

Legal support Genève:

Over 70 cases of police violence have been reported, nearly 100 people were arrested and over 30 people are facing charges already, with possibly more to come.

Most common charges are rioting, being present at riots (weird swiss laws) and disobeying police orders.

The legal group is preparing a publication of a report of the police abuses during the summit.

Contact: , 0041 (0) 794 631 780 (19-20h)

Legal support Lausanne:

In the time between 22.5. to 3.6. the legal group were reported 348 arrests in Lausanne and the surrounding area, more than 20 people have been charged and several injured.

Most common charges are: blockading traffic, disobeying police orders, rioting, being present at riots

German: open from local time: 0041 (0) 79 603 57 81
French (sometimes English): 0041 (0) 78 847 16 36

Both groups are advising people who face charges.

In order to bring the perpetrators of this violence to justice, they are gathering signatures and advising victims who want to prosecute.

They are calling for donations to pay the court costs, help people with their lawyer's fees and fines and cover the administrative costs.

Bank contact: Permanence Juridique G8
15, rue des Savoises
1205 Genève
CCP 17-435257-2
mention: appel antirep

Legal support France:

By finishing this call we did not have an answer from France, but surely they need money as well.

Get in Contact with the vaaag people, they might be able to find a bank account.

Contact:, 0033 (0) 698 927 865

Aubonne group:

This group was formed after the bridge incident (where the climbers' rope was cut and Martin fell 25m) and will deal with all matters concerning this case, such as legal, medical, presswork, finances, communication etc.

Eight peope have been charged with blocking the traffic, including the the climbers Martin and Gesine. The latter will prosecute the police for endangering their lives, not helping them in danger and for nearly killing them (legal term still to be worked out).

More than a month in hospital (with broken pelvis, left ankle and foot, 2 broken lumber vertebras, still there at this very moment) and a long rehabilitation period to come for Martin.

Money will be needed to cover the lawyers' fees , for medical costs (because the E111 does not cover all) and for administrative costs.

To avoid transfer fees we opened accounts in different countries, these are personal accounts only dedicated to Martin.

UK: DR J Bonnet, HSBC Bangor, 274 High Street, Bangor, Gwynedd; LL571RU
Sort code: 400903, Account number: 61666517
Germany: Jan Bargen, Postbank Dortmund, BLZ: 440 100 46, Kontonr.: 77582466
Spain: Esther Cerro, Banc de Sabadell, 0081-0055-44-0006151525
Switzerland : will only start working next week, contact us to get the account number
USA: bank account is in the process of being set up, contact us for more details

Foundation "EAU BONNE"

The bank acounts listed above fund the foundation Eau Bonne. At the moment we are diverting from the foundation to pay emergency legal and medical costs. When we win our case and receive compensation, we will pay the foundation back. We will maintain the foundation as a source of emergency loans to activists facing similar situations in the future. They will borrow funds to pay immediate legal and medical costs, with the intention of recovering this money through the legal process, and recycling it back into the foundation. In this way, all money donated will used transparantly and accountably, again and again to fight police abuses against activists.

Contact Aubonne group 0041 (0) 786 836 405
support emails for Martin in hospital:
update list:
soon online:

Guy Smallman Support Group:

In the UK a campaign started around this attack on the free press. Money is needed to pay medical fees (same E111 problem as Martin), to cover legal costs and to help the campaign.

Guy suffered serious muscle damage to his leg. He has undergone two hours of surgery and will need skin grafts. He and his lawyer are prosecuting the police. Donations are welcome, get in contact with captain scarlet.
Support emails for Guy:

more info at:
links to solidarity actions:

'for we live in unnatural times, and it is our job to make them natural again, with our singing, and our intelligent rage'
Ben Okri For Ken Saro-Wiwa


Durante la Cumbre del G8 en Evian, Lausanne y Annemasse, la represion policial abarco todo tipo de acciones. Este tipo de represion no es nueva, pero esto no significa que la tengamos que asumir como normal. Ahora bien, cabe prepararse para lo que nos viene proximamente y sobretodo, ahora mas que nunca, tenemos que hacer frente a ella en todos sus parametros.

Tenemos que denunciar todos los casos genericos y especificos de agresion policial acontecidos en el marco de la Cumbre, y asegurarnos que la policia (suiza, francesa, alemana...), no saldra impune de este tipo de violencia, empleada gratuitamente y en un contexto global de recorte de libertades fundamentales.

La represion policial durante el G8 incluye:

Este es solo un resumen de las acciones llevadas a cabo por la policia, si esta vez nadie resulto muerto, continua siendo una casualidad.

La represion policial en todas sus formas debe ser denunciada, y sobretodo, la Policia debe cargar con la responsabilidad de sus actos. Ahora bien, la Cumbre de Evian es solo un ejemplo, de un marco global en el que progresivamente, se va asumiendo esta brutalidad como normal en cualquier cumbre. La escalada de violencia llevada a cabo por las distintas autoridades empieza a calar fuertemente en los movimientos sociales antineoliberales y paralelamente, no se produce ningun salto cualitativo en terminos de acabar con la impunidad de la que gozan estas mismas autoridades.

Distintos grupos legales estan trabajando en este momento en relacion a la cumbre de Evian

La mayoria de estos grupos han creado una red de contacto, y su principal necesidad en estos momentos, es el financiamiento de todos los procesos legales que aun no se han llevado a cabo.

Grupo Legal de Ginebra:

Han provado alrededor de 70 casos de agresion policial, 100 personas de la localidad fueron detenidas y 30 personas aun tienen que hacer frente a juicios, con posibilidad de surgimiento de nuevos casos. Los cargos mas comunes imputados a los detenidos son: participacion en disturbios, presenciar los mismos (las leyes suizas...), desobediencia a las fuerzas del orden. Este grupo, prepara la publicacion de un dossier con todos los casos de abuso acontecidos. , 0041 (0) 794 631 780 (19-20h)

Grupo Legal de Lausanne:

Entre el 22 de mayo y el 3 de junio, se detectaron 348 detenciones en Lausanne y sus suburbios. Mas de 20 personas han sido imputadas y heridas.

Los cargos mas comunes son: bloqueo del trafico publico, desobediencia, participacion y presencia en disturbios.

Aleman: abierto de hora local: 0041 (0) 79 603 57 81
Frances (algunas veces ingles): 0041 (0) 78 847 16 36

Ambos grupos aconsejan a las personas que tienen cargos, y llevan a cabo campanas de sensibilizacion antirepresiva. Por tal de hacer frente a todo este trabajo, han lanzado una llamada para recolectar fondos que iran destinados a pagar los costes judiciales, a ayudar a la gente a pagar sus abogados y a pagar las varias multas imputadas.

Contacto bancario: Permanence Juridique G8
15, rue des Savoises
1205 Genève
CCP 17-435257-2
mencion: appel antirep

Grupo Legal en Francia:

Contacto---, 0033 (0) 698 927 865

Grupo de Aubonne:

Este grupo fue formado posteriormente a la accion del puente, en la que M.Shaw fue herido, y trabajan particularmente en este caso, incluyendo aspectos legales, medicos, mediaticos, comunicaciones... Ocho personas han sido imputadas por bloqueo del trafico publico, incluyendo a Martin y a la otra activista que estaba colgada. A la vez, los activistas van a denunciar la policia por poner en riesgo sus vidas y por negacion de auxilio.

Martin lleva mas de un mes en el hospital con la pelvis rota, con el pie y el tobillo izquierdos rotos y dos vertebras lumbares tambien rotas, y lo que falta aun en terminos de recuperacion y rehabilitacion. Necesitan fondos para pagar las facturas de los abogados, para los costes medicos (porque el E-111 no lo incluye todo) y para hacer frente a costes administrativos.

Para evitar costes de transferencia, se han abierto cuentas en varios paises dedicadas exclusivamente a Martin.

-Inglaterra DR J Bonnet, HSBC Bangor, 274 High Street, Bangor, Gwynedd; LL571RU
Sort code: 400903, Account number: 61666517
-Alemania: Jan Bargen, Postbank Dortmund, BLZ: 440 100 46, Kontonr.: 77582466
-Estado Espanol: Esther Cerro, Banc de Sabadell, 0081-0055-44-0006151525
-Suiza y Estados Unidos: Podra ser utilizada a partir de la proxima semana.
Para mas informacion, contactar con el grupo directamente.

Fundacion *EAU BONNE*

Estas cuentas bancarias son para financiar la fundacion EAU BONNE. Hasta el momento, la fundacion ha pagado las facturas de emergencias legales o medicas. Cuando se gane el juicio y se reciba la indemnizacion, se devolvera el dinero a la fundacion. Se mantendra la fundacion como recurso de financiamiento a activistas que sufran casos similares en el futuro, cubriendo costes legales, medicos y recobrando el dinero posteriormente a los juicios. Este dinero se administra con total transparencia y se emplea exclusivamente para luchar contra la impunidad policial.

-Contacto del Grupo Aubonne:, 0041 (0) 786 836 405
Si quieres escribir a Martin en el Hospital:
Si quieres saber noticias suyas:
Proximamente en funcionamiento:

Grupo de Apoyo a Guy Smallman:

En Inglaterra, se inicio en el momento de esta agresion contra la prensa independiente. El dinero se necesita para pagar facturas medicas (el mismo problema que Martin con el E-111), para cubrir los costes legales y para continuar con la iniciativa. Tambien se han querellado contra la policia.
Mails de apoyo a Guy:

Mas informacion en:
Links de acciones de solidaridad

'for we live in unnatural times, and it is our job to make them natural again, with our singing, and our intelligent rage'
Ben Okri For Ken Saro-Wiwa

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