archivos de los protestos globales

Date: Sat, 4 May 2002
Letter - Urgent Action from Justapaz - Mennonite Church, Colombia

Dear Friends of Justapaz,

We are writing to request your help at a critical moment. International attention and pressure may help prevent a displaced community of Tuluá, Valle de Cauca from experiencing an AUC, commonly recognized as paramilitary, massacre. This does, however, require URGENT ACTION. The AUC have given the community until May 15th to leave the shelter premises.

Directions for responding: Please read the English letter below and then fill in the appropriate information in the Spanish version. As you see in the letter, there is space for you to fill in your country of citizenship at the beginning. If you are from Canada, you may write "canadiense" in the space provided. If you are from the United States, you may write "estadounidense," etc. At the end of the letter, please provide your name, mailing address and email address. Then, FAX (only) the Spanish version to the following Colombian government officials:

These numbers include the country and area codes.

We are not powerless before death, and this is a concrete example of how people from the North can help. Please help us circulate this URGENT ACTION to other contacts and lists. Let's flood the offices with faxes! Let's overwhelm the community, social workers and government offices with prayers for life and peace!

We are grateful for your help in seeking to preserve life.

For peace,

Janna Bowman for Justapaz,
Mennonite Church, Bogota, Colombia



To whom in may concern

I am a concerned and active..citizen. Through trusted contacts in Colombia I have learned about the San Antonio shelter for displaced people in the municipality of Tuluá in the department of Valle del Cauca. I have just received alarming information that the lives of the 200 community members are threatened with imminent death by the Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia - AUC (Self Defense Groups of Colombia). On April 10, 2002 the whole community received a letter from this armed group stating that they had to leave the premises of the shelter by May 15, 2002 or else they would be considered military targets. We are rapidly approaching this deadline. The community members have already lived through profound loss and trauma. Now again they face the terrifying reality of yet another attack against their lives. Based on what we have observed in the Colombian armed conflict, the AUC follow through on their threats and so we believe that the members of this community will be killed if the appropriate State authorities do not intervene immediately.

As in all nations recognizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Colombian State is responsible for guaranteeing the well-being and the very lives of its citizens, particularly those that have already directly suffered as victims of the armed conflict. For that reason, I hold the Colombian State directly responsible for the safety of this community.

Therefore, I strongly urge you to fulfill your legal and moral obligation as State functionaries to protect the lives of these 200 men, women and children by relocating them to a safe place where they will not live under threat. If this is not possible, we do trust that you will ensure the safety and well-being of these people.

As I am continually aware of the situation in Tuluá, and particularly of this community, I anticipate hearing of your prompt action in response to (community name) in this critical moment. I thank you in advance for protecting civilians and not allowing yet another massacre to consume the lives of your fellow Colombians.






A Quien pueda Interesarle:

Cordial saludo de alguien que se interesa en la construcción de paz en Colombia.

Soy un ciudadano (a) (your citizenship) activista y preocupado (a). Por medio de contactos fidedignos en Colombia he sabido sobre el albergue "San Antonio," para la población en desplazamiento, ubicado en la ciudad de Tuluá, departamento del Valle del Cauca. Acabo de recibir una información alarmante indicando que las vidas de los miembros de esta comunidad (300 personas) han sido amenazadas de muerte inminente por las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia - AUC. En la fecha del 10 de febrero del presente año, recibieron una carta en la cual se les anunciaba que tenían exactamente dos meses para salir de dicho albergue (15 de Mayo del 2002) o serían considerados objetivo militar. Estamos ya muy cerca de esa fecha límite. Los miembros de esta comunidad han vivido antes pérdidas significativas y traumáticas. Ahora tienen que enfrentarse además con esta terrible realidad de otro ataque en contra de sus vidas. Con base en lo que hemos observado sobre el conflicto armado colombiano, sabemos que las AUC cumplen sus amenazas y por eso creemos que los miembros de esta comunidad podrían realmente ser asesinados si no intervienen inmediatamente las debidas autoridades del Estado.

Como en todas las naciones que reconocen la Declaración de los Derechos Humanos Universales, el Estado Colombiano es responsable de garantizar el bienestar y las vidas mismas de estos ciudadanos; particularmente las de aquellos que ya han sufrido la victimización del conflicto armado. Hacemos directamente responsables al Estado Colombiano y al departamento del Valle del Cauca, de la seguridad de esta comunidad.

Solicito que esta comunidad de "San Antonio" en Tuluá, Valle, conformada por hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas, sea reubicada en otro lugar más seguro donde no viva bajo amenaza y si esto no es posible, que se haga todo lo necesario para proteger sus vidas y bienestar.

Quedo pendiente de la situación en Tuluá y en particular de ésta comunidad. Espero saber sobre su pronta acción en respuesta al momento crítico que ellos están viviendo. Agradezco por anticipado su pronta diligencia en proteger la población civil y no permitir que ocurra otra masacre más entre sus compatriotas colombianos. Son 300 valiosas vidas.


(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(Email Address)


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