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EU: Zeitplan der Europäischen Union zu den Liberalisierungsangeboten im Rahmen der GATS

Der interne EU-Verhandlungszeitplan für die laufende GATS-Verhandlungs-
runde ist durch eine undichte Stelle an die Öffentlichkeit gedrungen.
Darin geht es um die Abstimmung der Liberalisierungsangebote, die am 31.
März 2003 eingereicht werden müssen.
Das Papier macht deutlich, dass die Kommission den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten
Mitte Januar einen ersten Entwurf für die Ausgansangebote präsentieren
wird, auf den dann bis Mitte Februar reagiert werden kann.
Mitte Januar bis Mitte Februar scheint daher der entscheidende Zeitraum
für die nationalen Parlamente und das europäische Parlament zu sein, wenn
sie ihre demokratische Kontrolle über die Formulierung der europäischen
GATS-Angebote einfordern wollen.

Der interne EU-Zeitplan im Wortlaut:
*Preparation of Gats offer from EC and its Member States*
Tentative timeline

2 October 2002
Initial assessment in 133-Services Committee of requests to EC and its
Member States in the fields of professional and financial services in
addition to horizontal issues of real estate and investment.

16 October 2002
Initial assessment in 133-Services Committee of requests to EC and its
Member States in the fields of computer, construction, distribution and
business services.Member States complete inital assessment of national
level restrictions targeted in incoming requests.

21 October 1 November 2002. CTS and bilateral meetings in Geneva.

6 November 2002
Initial assessment in 133-Services Committee of requests to EC and its
Member States in the fields of telecommunication, postal- and couriere,
environmental, transport and energy services in addition to horizontal
issue of mode 4.

27 November 2002
Initial assessment in 133-Services Committee of requests to EC and its
Member States in the fields of Tourism, education, health, audio-visual,
recreational and financial services in addition to horizontal issues of
mode 4, public utilities and subsidies.

2-13 December 2002. CTS and bilateral meetings in Geneva.

18 December 2002
Assessment in 133-Services Committee of state of the play.

Mid-January 2003. Commission present 1st draft initial offer.
Mid-February 2003. Member States comment on 1st draft.
*Mid-march 2003*. Commission present 2nd draft initial offer.
*End-March 2003*. Member States endorse initial offer.
*31 March 2003*. Submission in Geneva of initial offer.


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