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Berlin: Springtime - Adress change info!

[abc+berlin] springtime - adress change info!

>>>NEW ADRESS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEW ADRESS<<<<
>NEW ADRESS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

check up abc in berlin:
abc clash
c/o bambule
thomas weissbecker haus
wilhelmstr. 9
10963 berlin x-berg
fon/fax +49 (0)30 251 29 43
tuesday 15-18:00

>>thomas weissbecker<< - killed by german polies 2.3.1972 - was a
member of
>>the anarchist black cross (also >>georg von rauch<< - killed by
>>polies 4.12.1971). the >>thomas weissbecker haus(=house)<< was
squatted by
>>young streetkids 1 year after killing of thomas weissbecker. you
find the
>>house in da net

we work together with and in the house prison- and selfprotectbureau
>>bambule<<. we send the next week information about our actually
activities and more (RZ/ROTE ZORA process against 4 prisoners [sabine,
matthias, harald and axel - ]- starts on
3/22/001) to the abc-contactadresses.

the bluecross-abc (our cyberguerrilla-sistas) has made an
abc-homepage: u can see this on the webside
(her wishes: if u know other abc-groups in the www or if there is
anything u
have to say for this action - say it!
her kisses: 4 all of u [dijon: pour l'image elles vous embrasse bien


NO pasaran! - la lucha sigue...

take care!
freedom + love + solidarity


the abc+berlin was reactivated on 3/24/1999 - the beginnig of the
nato-bombings against you-go-slawia.
destroy fashism!
unite anarchism, feminism and communism!

Text verbreitet von Anarchist Black Cross Innsbruck:

6024 Innsbruck


Das Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) ist ein internationales Netzwerk von
anarchistischen Gruppen und Individuen, die sich in der praktischen
Solidaritaet mit Gefangenen betaetigen. Wir unterstuetzen:
AnarchistInnen, RevolutionaerInnen und andere, die wegen ihrem
Widerstand gegen die Herrschenden und deren System inhaftiert wurden.
Wir unterstuetzen Personen, die gefangengenommen wurden weil sie
versucht haben zu ueberleben oder Menschen die von der Polizei
festgenommen werden. Wir unterstuetzen und publizieren die
Bestrebungen der Haeftlinge hinter Gittern gegen das System zu
kaempfen. Ausserdem unterstuetzen wir auch Gefangene, die erst
aufgrund ihrer Haft politisiert wurden, also urspruenglich nicht wegen
einer politischen Tat oder Haltung ins Gefaengnis gehen mussten.

Article distributed by Anarchist Black Cross Innsbruck:

6024 Innsbruck


The Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) is an international network of
anarchist groups and individuals, which work in practical solidarity
with prisoners. We support: anarchists, revolutionaries and others,
who have been imprisoned because of their resistance against those in
power and their system. We support persons, who have been arrested
because they tried to survive or people who got arrested by the
police. We support and make public the strives of prisoners behind
bars, fighting against the system. Moreover we also support prisoners,
who have been politicised through their imprisonment, and who had not
to go to prison initially because of a political activity or idea.

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