Open letter concerning the searches from 6.7.1999 that were justified with "membership of a terrorist organisation" or "dangerous intervention in the railway transport".

On 6.7.1999 the Federal Criminal Police office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA) searched 10 flats institute in Bremen. The accusation is "suspicion of membership in a terrorist organisation in Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, in the county of Lüchow-Dannenberg (Wendland) and in the county of Lüneburg, an enterprise of taxi drivers in Berlin-Kreuzberg and an environmaantal (§129a)" or "dangerous intervention in the railway transport" (§ 315). According to press publications of the Chief Federal Prosecutor (from 6.7.99) 9 attorneys, 100 BKA members and further 200 policemen and -women of different counties were involved. The present accused persons were fingerprinted and photographed, partly samples of saliva and hair (from hairbrushes) were taken to make DNA analysis. In one flat in Berlin disguised policemen stormed the flat with helmets and rifled pistols. One person was taken from his work.

According to the Federal Attorney Office "intensive investigations of the Working Group Energy of the BKA" took place before the searches. These investigations had the results that the deeds could be traced back to a group of people out of the militant resistant against the CASTOR-Transports and to a resistant group against the Olympic Games in Berlin, called AOK (Anti-Olympic Committee).

The accusation was justified with the "pinch hook actions" against the German Railway Company, that - according to the press publication of the Chief Federal Prosecutor - took place on 7th october 1996 in 12 places of Germany and on 25th february 1997 in 8 further places in the north of Germany. Another justification is the "communiqué of autonomous groups" concernig these deeds and further declerations of the culprits. In the broadly published communiqué it is said:" Aim of the attacks was to put pressure on the German Railway Company, to stop the CASTOR-Transports on rail."

Because of the series of action at the same time and the joint declaration the Chief Federal Prosecutor concludes that there is an organisation of "autonomous groups", whose "cadre of leaders" they have found now in those who are the accused ones.

There is a further accusation because of dangerous intervention in the railway transport concerning the resistance against the Nuclear Plant Krümmel.

The attorney insinuates that through the cut of the overhead cable, the lives of traindrivers and passengers were endangered. But the discussions of the anti-nuclear-movement show clearly that such deeds were always planed and done in a way that no human being was endangered. In the mentioned communiqué concerning that matter they say:"With this deed we stick to the consent to the resistance movement in the Wendland, not to endanger the life of human beings."

There are 11 "accused persons" ("Beschuldigte") and nine who are "effected" ("Betroffene"). The "effected"are those who are supposed to have contact to the "accused persons" or access to their rooms.

The searches - at least the ones of the "accused persons" - took place in all rooms to which they - according to the attorney - had access to. So cellars, attics, sheds, barns, cars, gardens and agricultural areas were searched. All searches started at the same time, at about 8 o'clock in the morning and lasted up to 13 hours. It was allowed to speak to a lawyer. With one exception no further telephone calls were allowed to make.

In Bremen a colleague of an office called MAUS (Messtelle für Arbeits-und Umweltschutz), institution for the protection of work and environment, is one of the "accused persons". His work-place as well as all the rooms of the institute and the whole house in which it is located, were searched. Business- and working documents were confiscated so that a continued existence of the project is at risk. Here another charge was brought: "initial suspicion of fraud because of inexpedient use of sponsorship money." Certainly that didn't happen by accident. Scientifically and politically the office had - amoung other things - accompanied and supported a campaign against nuclear transports through Bremen and Bremerhaven (1997, 1998). That campaign got a further confirmation because of the "Castor-scandal".

According to our present knowledge during the search the following things were confiscated (whereas the different searches were done in variable ways): PCs and data carriers (floppy discs, CDs), video films, photos, diaries, adress-, notebooks, material, people worked with (articles and further texts that had nothing to do with the accused facts), medical documents and therapy papers about the own treatments, documents about patients, strategy discussions about uranium-, CASTOR-transports and anti-nuclear resistance. Documents of bank accounts, receipts, contracts e.g., vices, pipe wrenches, pin cutters, spanners, rails, wireless scanners, signal vests, maps, type writers, type bars, samples of handwritings and type writings, hairbrushes and hemp plants. On top cigarette stubs were confiscated, because according to the search decicion a stubed out cigarette (make Juwel) was found on a concrete sleeper in the rail bed, 13,20m away from a place near Potsdam where a pinch was said to be hung up.

Experience shows that a second wave of searches can take place. We should be prepared for it!

In our opinion that action of the BKA is obviously linked to the energy talks between the government and the atomic industry.

In the run up of the political and practical preparations for further nuclear transports the resistance is to be criminalized, intimidated, divided into "peaceful" and "violent" and is supposed to be weakened. That has an importance especially now:

Concluding we want to point out:

We are the ones who determine the form of resistance against the inhumane nuclear plants we use. We don't allow the representatives of the atomic industry and their governmental supporters to tell us what to do.

It doesn't matter which "colour-combination" in Berlin is in power: we will continue to fight against nuclear plants until all of them are closed down!

We know: they aim towards all of us - but we don't let them intimidate nor divide us. Decisive for changes have always been the pressure we could produce from our side.

Immediate return of all confiscated things!

Abandoning of all proceedings against opponents of nuclear power!

Immediate closure of all nuclear plants!

UnterzeichnerInnen der Erklärung (signatories, signatorios de la declaración):

Stand, current list, lista actual: 11/11/1999):

ADELANTE - Umzugskollektiv, Hamburg / AG gegen Selektion und Verwertungsnormen, Bremen / AG "Junge GenossInnen", Bielefeld / AG Schöner Wohnen, Berlin / AK gegen Konservatismus, Coburg / AK KRAAK, Videomagazin, Berlin / Aktionsbündnis CASTOR-Widerstand, Neckarwestheim / al (alternative liste) - Hamburg / ANARCHIST BLACK CROSS, Innsbruck, Austria / ANARES Buchvertrieb (Nord), Uetze / Anti-Atom-Aktuell - Zeitung für die sofortige Stillegung aller Atomanlagen / Anti-Atom-Bündnis, München / Anti-Atom-Büro Hamburg / Anti-Atom-Gruppe Bergisches Land / Anti-Atom-Netzwerk Sachsen / Anti-Atom-Plenum Augsburg / Anti-Atom-Plenum Berlin / Anti-Atom-Plenum Frankfurt / Anti-Atom-Plenum Göttingen / Anti-Atom-Plenum Neuruppin / Anti-Expo-AG Hannover / Anti-Expo-Gruppe Michel, Hannover / Antifa Ammerland / Antifa A.L.M. Rüsselsheim/Raunheim / Antifa Bitterfeld / Antifa Bonn/Rhein-Sieg (AA/BO) / Antifa-Café im Alhambra, Oldenburg / Antifa-Café in der B5, Hamburg / Antifa Cottbus / Antifa Görlitz / antifa infotelefon leipzig / Antifa Merseburg / Antifa Rote Dornen, Berlin / Antifaschistische Aktion Berlin (AA/BO) / Antifaschistische Aktion Oldenburg / Antifaschistische Aktion, Koblenz /Antifaschistisches Komitee, Bremen / Antifaschistische Aktion Lüneburg-Uelzen / Antifaschistische Aktion Passau (AA/BO) / Antifaschistische Gruppe Hamburg (AA/BO) / Anitfaschistische Initiative Heidelberg (AA/BO) / Antifaschistisches Plenum Braunschweig (AA/BO) / Antifa Workcamp Buchenwald / Anti-Rassismus-Büro, Bremen / Antirassistische Stadtteilgruppe Walle, Bremen / Arbeitskreis Umwelt, Wiesbaden / Archiv der Sozialen Bewegungen, Hamburg / ARGE Gemeinsam gegen Atomgefahr, St. Peter, Austria / ASO - Anarchistischer Störtrupp, Oldenburg / ASTA der TU Berlin / atomplenum hannover / Atomplenum Greifswald / Atomplenum Minden / autofocus videowerkstatt e.V., Berlin / Autonome Antifa (M) Göttingen (AA/BO) / Autonome Antifa in der Organisierten Autonomie (OA) Nürnberg (AA/BO) / Autonome Antifa Lüdenscheid (AA/BO) / Autonome Antifa Weser/Ems (AA/BO) / Autonome Antifaschistische Aktion Stuttgart (AA/BO) / autonomes infobüro Göttingen / Autonomi-kollektivet aus Kopenhagen, Dänemark / A.w.G. - Alles wird Gut, Mainz /

BAMM (Büro für antimilitaristische Maßnahmen), Berlin-Kreuzberg / Baobab Infoladen - Eine Welt e.V., Berlin / BBA-Infoladen, Bremen / Bernauer-EbersWalder Atom Connection / BICS, BürgerInnen-Initiative CASTOR stoppen, Paderborn / BIU-Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz, Budweis, Cech. Republik / Bremer Anti-Atom-Forum (BAAF) / Bremer Erzeuger-Verbraucher-Genossenschaft / Bremer Friedensforum / Bremer Kassiber - Stadtzeitung für Politik, Alltag, Revolution / Bremer Mahnwache-Frauen / Brigade der besten Qualität, Label aus Berlin / Buchhandlung im Schanzenviertel, Hamburg / Buchhandlung Oh 21, Berlin -Kreuzberg / BuchtstraßenChor, Bremen / Bürgerinitiative Kernenergie e.V. zur Förderung alternativer Energiekonzepte, Greifswald /

Café V, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Café X, Schanzenviertel, Hamburg / Cantina, Feinkost & Weine, München / CASTOR-Gruppe Bremen / CASTOR-Gruppe Dahlenburg / Centrum ENERGIE, Budweis, Cech. Republik / Contraste - Die Monatszeitung für Selbstorganisation / "Copy Time" Kopierladen, Berlin-Kreuzberg / CYCLE SERVICE, Motorradwerkstatt, Berlin-Friedrichshain /

Dachverband der Oberpfälzer Initiativen gegen Atomanlagen, Schwandorf / Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft - Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen (DFG-VK), Landesverband Berlin, Landesverband Bremen / Delegiertenkonferenz der Abrüstungsinitiativen Bremer Kirchengemeinden / DGB Jugendbildungsstätte Fulda / "D.U.P." Der Umzug Platzt, Berlin /

Ermittlungsausschuß (EA) -Berlin / EA-Bremen / EA-Hamburg / El Rojito -Nicaragua-Kaffee-Handel, Hamburg / Einige AntifaschistInnen aus München / EZM-Energie Zukunft Mühlviertel, St. Stefan, Austria / EX, Kneipe im MehringHof, Berlin / Ex Levanti, Bremen /

Falcon & Kite Lederwerkstatt, Wendland / FC Dynamo Hasenheide, Berlin / FDCL - Forschung und Dokumentation für Chile und Lateinamerika im MehringHof, Berlin / Festung Bitterfeld / Fleming Apotheke, Hamburg-Eimsbüttel / Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht und Migration, Berlin / Food Coop Rote Beete, Bremen / Frauengruppe "Drächin Futura", Berlin / FrauenLesben-Info-Laden Mafalda, Bremen / FROXS - Radikal Ökologische und Internationalistische Initiative, Bremen / Fritz Bauch - Kneipenkollektiv, Hamburg-Schanzenviertel /

Gegeninformations-Büro MehringHof, Berlin / Gruftis gegen Rechts, Berlin, Bremen, Rostock / Gruppe "Klipp Klaap", Berlin / Gruppe "Mücadele", Berlin / Gruppe "Rhizom", Berlin / Gruppe "VENCEREMOS", Berlin / GSV GesamtschülerInnenvertretung, Bremen /

Hamburger Bündnis Antimilitaristischer, Antiimperialistischer Gruppen und Einzelpersonen / Hammerfall - transregionaler Erwachsenenpunk, Berlin / Hausprojekt Yorckstr. 59, Berlin / HessenBaden Plenum der Initiativen gegen Atomanlagen/

id-verlag, MehringHof, Berlin / Info-Archiv, Norderstedt / Info-Café Anna und Arthur, Lüneburg / Infocafé "Anschlag", Bielefeld / Info-Laden, Hildesheim / Info-Laden Bandito Rosso, Berlin / Info-Laden Daneben, Berlin-Friedrichshain / Infoladen Freiwerk, Rüsselsheim / Infoladen Mannheim / Infoladen Politik & Rausch, Berlin / Initiative gegen den Coburger Convent, Coburg / Internationaler Menschenrechtsverein Bremen /

Junge Linke, Wuppertal /

Kaffee Klatsch Kollektiv, Wiesbaden / Kampagne gegen Wehrpflicht, Zwangsdienste und Militär, Berlin, Potsdam / Karawane für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen, Berlin / Kein Mensch ist Ilegal, Berlin / Kneipenkollektiv Planwirtschaft, Klausstr., Hamburg / Kölner Gegenstrom gegen Atomanlagen / KöXüz - MigrantInnenzeitschrift / Kraut & Rüben Naturkost, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Kulturzentrum Lagerhaus, Bremen / Kurdistan Solidarität, Hamburg / KTG - Kreuzberger Taxigenossenschaft, Berlin /

Leben nach Tschernobyl, Gießen / Lebensmittel Hille, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Libertäres Zentrum (LIZ), Hamburg /

M99 Gemischtwarenladen für Revolutionsbedarf, Berlin / M.A.U.A.M. (Männer- Gruppe), Bremen / Meßstelle für Arbeits- und Umweltschutz (MAUS e.V.), Bremen / Meuchefitzer Gasthof - Kneipenkollektiv, Wendland / Minol, Berlin / Montagskreis, Berlin / Mix, Berlin / MOB, Obdachlose machen mobil, Berlin / Mozart-Apotheke, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Multi-Kulti Bitterfeld /

Neue Apotheke St. Pauli, Hamburg / NIX MEHR - Info-Telefon - 030 261 98 12, Kampagne gegen Atomtransporte, Berlin /

OAP - Offenes Antifaplenum Leipzig / Ökologische Linke München / OOe Überparteiliche Plattform gegen Atomgefahr, Austria / Opferperspektive, Beratung für Opfer rechtsextremer Gewalt in Brandenburg, Potsdam /

Potsdamer Anti-Atom-Plenum /

Ratschlag der Anti-AKW-Initiativen in Trebel (Wendland) vom 20.7.1999 / Regionalplenum Ost der Initiativen gegen Atomanlagen / Referat für politische Bildung der Uni-GH Wuppertal / Rote Antifa Aktion Leipzig (AA/BO) / Rote Antifaschistische Initiative Berlin (AA/BO) / Rote Antifa Nürnberg (AA/BO) / Rote Flora - Plenum, Hamburg / Rote Hilfe, Bundesvorstand, Ortsgruppe Bremen / Roter Aufbruch, Hamburg /

SfE, Schule für Erwachsenenbildung, MehringHof Berlin / Schmuckwerkstatt Goldstein, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Schulz & Korn Naturkost, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Schwarzer Hahn e.V. - Kulturverein, Lensian (Wendland) / Schwarzmarkt - Infoladen, Hamburg / "Schwarze Risse" - Buchladen im MehringHof, Berlin / Soligruppe "Goldene Hakenkralle" / Stadtkommune - Alla Hopp, Bremen / Stattbuch Verlag, MehringHof, Berlin / Stiftung für Rüstungskonversion und Friedensforschung, Bremen /

TAIGA, Tübinger Aktionsini gegen Atomanlagen / "Taverna Babis", Berlin-Kreuzberg /

Umbruch - Satz, Repro, Bildarchiv, Berlin / Unorganisierte AKW GegnerInnen, Oldenburg / Unrast - Verlagskollektiv, Münster /

VEB laut & laestig - Konzerte und mehr, Mannheim / Verein Besser Wohnen e.V., Wagenburg Teufelsbruch, Frankfurt /

Wagenburg Waffeldorf, Erlangen / Wagenplatz Sommerdamm, Rüsselsheim / WAS LEFFT, worte statt taten, Erlangen / WigA, Widerstand gegen Atomanlagen, Münster / WiWos - Autonome FrauenLesben Gruppe, Bremen / Wohngruppe Klausstr., Hamburg / Wohnprojekt Köpi, Berlin-Mitte / Wohnprojekt Kohlfurter, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Wohnprojekt Lychi 60, Berlin / Wohnprojekt M90, Berlin / Wohnprojekt Nimm 2, Hamburg / WOMEN AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER, Helsinki, Finnland / WOMEN FOR PEACE, Kirkkonummi, Finnland /

Zeitungsladen Mehringdamm, Berlin-Kreuzberg / Zieten-Apotheke, Berlin-Kreuzberg /

Eigene Solidaritätserklärungen (own declaration of solidarity, proprias declaraciones de la solidaridad) von:

ak-Analyse & Kritik, Zeitung für linke Debatte und Praxis /

Autonome Gruppe Gegenenergie - Presseerklärung vom 14.7.99, Berlin /

Bremer Umwelt Forum (BUFO, Verband von zwanzig Umweltinitiativen) - Offener Brief an die Staatsanwaltschaft Bremen, die Umweltsenatorin Christine Wischer und die Presse, vom 27.9.99.

Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg und EA Gorleben mit einer leicht veränderten Version des Offenen Briefes /

Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz e.V. (BBU) - Presseerklärung vom 21.7.99, Bonn /

Erklärung von GewerkschafterInnen mit der Forderung: "Wir wenden uns als GewerkschafterInnen gegen diese Machenschaften der Staatsanwaltschaft und des BKA und fordern die Einstellung aller Verfahren gegen Atomkraft gegnerInnen."

GRUPPE LANDFRIEDENSBRUCH, Basisgruppe Reiskirchen - Offener Brief an das Bundeskriminalamt /

Infoladen Grauzone, Insbruck, Austria