archives of global protests

Hundreds of thousands mobilize in support of immigrant rights
SOA Watch Breaking News & Update | | March 28, 2006

Yesterday tens of thousands of students walked out of school in California and other states in a second week of massive protests across the United States against legislation to crack down on illegal immigrants.

Hundreds of thousands of immigrants and supporters participated in enormous and energetic marches in Los Angeles, Chicago, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Boulder, Washington, DC and other cities to protest a bill that would make it a felony to be in this country illegally and would make it crime to dispense aid to those without legal documents. Broad-based coalitions of faith, labor, business and community leaders have come together to oppose this bill and to call for the creation of a path to citizenship for immigrants.

In several U.S. cities, the massive marches of the past two weeks are the largest public gatherings ever to occur in those communities. The outpouring of opposition to the conservative bill has been historic....

SOA Watch understands that many immigrants to the United States are victims of U.S.-sponsored military training and atrocities in Latin America. In our fight to close the SOA, we continue to work towards a world that is free of suffering and violence. We recognize the SOA as being a part of the same racist system of violence and domination. We ally ourselves with the victims of military violence and their families in our effort to create a better world.

la march against racism | migration |