From b92/ also Letters from Yugoslavia April 1

From: Karl Waldron


PRISTINA, Wednesday – A group of foreign journalists early this evening spoke to Kosovo Albanian leader Ibrahim Rugova in his house in Pristina. An AFP reporter was among the journalists who were told by Rugova that he was alive and well and living with his family in his house under the special protection of Serb police, despite speculations that he had been murdered and his house burned down.

Asked if the NATO bombing should be stopped, the report says, Rugova replied that everything should be stopped.

Several international television stations as well as the AFP 40 reporter recorded the interview.


BRUSSELS, Wednesday – Two Kosovo Albanian leaders reported to have been summarily executed by Serbs are in fact alive, US diplomatic and Kosovo Albanian sources quoted by Reuters said today.

Fehmi Agani, a former chief negotiator for Kosovo Albanians and Baton Haxhiu, the editor-in-chief of Pristina daily Koha Ditore have not been executed as reported by NATO on Monday, said Reuters' US sources.

Reuters also quoted a Kosovo Albanian source as confirming that Rugova and Haxhiu were alive and still in Kosovo.

NATO military spokesman Air Commodore David Wilby, citing what he referred to as reliable sources, said on Monday that the two had been executed at the weekend.

Belgrade authorities said at the time that there was no evidence for the report.

From: Karl Waldron

Subject: letters from Yugoslavia - April 1st

From: Artmagazin, Novi Sad

Your country could be next!

Lets face the facts:

How to fit in all these facts in a puzzle which gives an adecvate result?

To open a new shopping center in the immediate surroundings of the potential buyer and make him participate in the demonstration of the new product!

What sort of a shopping center are talking about? It's not a peaceful fair under tents, with hostesses, drinks and snacks.


It's a whole new thing. Years of experience showed us how to accomplish maximum in sale results:

  1. Find a suitable host for you marketing demonstration polygon.
  2. Deal with the host by following the instructions in the handbook, open a war field in his country, and potential market will notice it.
  3. Demonstration shouldn't last for too long.
  4. The role of a potential buyers in the demonstration must be only symbolic.

Instruction how to pick a suitable demonstration polygon:

Very important warning:


Powers don't produce arms to defend themselves but to sell them.
For that cause they open up new war fields. Anywhere.

Your country could be next!

from: Viktor Todorovic, ICQ: 30654211

Today I went to the theater. There has been so much talking about the theater for 1 dinar (less than 10 cents, translator) that I simply had to go. I saw the play "Majstor" by Ron Howard on small scene of National Theater. The hall was totally full. Offcourse, old Serbian tradition was once more seen in action - there were people who didn't want to pay 1 dinar for the ticket so they sneaked in... The show, although it can be critisized for poor performance especially of younger crew members, has hit correctly in both: right place and time. He who if familiar with Howard's work knows that he sticks constantly to one topic only, but just like a good photographer he always finds a new corner to look at it effectivelly. Once again it is about WWII crimes against the Jews. The willan is played by Ciga Jeremic (absolute genius, he didn't defend his role. Occasionally, behind his naive, innocent, senile character you could see a cunning and evil explosions in full strength). I won't retell you the show, I advise you to go out and see it instead. However, I'd like to mention a couple of impressions, in fact questions:

Where will in ten years time be the people who are today responsible for war crimes (from air, in the field)? Some will undoubtably be in prison, but I fear that others will receive medals, just like those who bombed Hamburg, or Hiroshima. Still, I fear the most of those who will, thanks to inactivity, ignorance conformism and stupidity of "ordinary" people, manage to include themselves in the new society, as gardeners, good and respectable people, and somewhere under three pillows they will keep their knifes ready to be pulled out.

I hope that we are not such ordinary people. I hope that, if we survive, we will remember what happened to us and that we will once bring these people to justice. And there are many of them on all sides.

From: Artmagazin

The fascination with participation

Oh, how naive we have been. The audience in a war, as well as in the theater, always thinks the way the director has appointed. It has become crystal clear to us at the beginning of the decade when Yugoslavia was pulled out on the world TV stage and when the Serbs got the negative part. Bad guys once, bad guys always. We have fallen into a clichi promoted in movies about cowboys and Indians: the positive characters (whatever they do) are always right, negative characters (whatever the real truth is) are always wrong, the rescue "cavalry" has the right to treat the negative ones as they please - till extermination. Accompanied by music, fanfares and kisses from gorgeous blondes. If the concept shows wrong later (in the sense that there are some 10 million innocent people), well, what can you do, that/s life. Let/s get on with it.

The fascination with participation (part II)

Author: Nevena Simin, journalist

Wars have been happening on the planet forever, without interruption. As far as we know, at the moment more than 10 battlefields are open. Why is one making wars? In harmony with it's own nature, every inhabitant of the planet Earth will find an answer to this question in her/his heart. Since 1988. we, inhabitants of the Earth, have the chance to follow/observe some of the wars directly, through television.

As a professional observer of the world, and before all as a human being already formed by the cultural forms of the environment, I was interested to know what children are able to say on this matter, and what the grown-ups say. Are we identical in consuming on-screen violence?

Where did the idea to ask children about the institutionalized violence originally come from? Simple. I have not succeeded to convince my child that the third-rated Kung-Fu movies are revolting, full of violence and that he, by watching it, becomes loud without control, aggressive, unrestrained. Once he had decided to let me choose the movie we would be watching together. Also conditioned by the movies that have formed my youth, I took a cowboy movie ("Pat Garret and Billy the Kid"). Once the film has ended, my son gives me a lecture, throwing my own words back at me: "You're not sane! What is there good in a movie where you get killed by your best friend?" I have told this story to the kids who co-operated on the newsletter I was editing at the time. We laughed down nicely, and afterwards decided to research this jungle of pollution of a child's psyche with movies and other , so-called art creations. Convinced that a small evil today, can be invincibly huge already tomorrow, and that the war sickness on the Balkans would not have broken out, if someone had noticed the potentially dangerous variations of aggressive behavior with the youth a few decades ago - we have collected signatures during 1989. against the broadcast of violence in the movies and on TV, for children under 18 years of age. This direct action was carried out with a text for which the idea came from teenagers and adolescents. It was the following text: DO NOT KILL, DO NOT TEACH ME HOW TO KILL!

from: lepa mladjenovic, autonomous women's center against sexual violence

dear friends,

we have received many letters of support, calls from our friends from Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia, thank you. The situation: Many women are affraid more or less. last night some of us have worked in the Womens Center untill 9pm, and after that the town was calm and empty, and some citizens were around entrance of houses and some in the cellers. The parts of the town near the military bases felt hard detonations and saw the fire. Those in the center of town did not.The telephone lines have become difficult.

The worry of pacifists is the situation on Kosovo. First, most artillery the serbian army has concentrated in the region of Kosovo. Last night i finally caught the telephone lines with Pristina and talked to my friend, and she said that the biggest worry is the vengeance of serbian army against albanian population.The CNN and BBC TV stations are obviously very pro-violence oriented and they have inflicted much fear into people in Kosovo, on top of the facts that are fearfull in themselves. The serbian officials have cut electriciy in Pristina last night, and tuned in this morning. The cutting of electricity was clearly the act of producing more fear on the one already there. So you can imagine the mood in Pristina.This morning there is no bread and milk in most of the shops in Belgrade and Pristina. and it is a beautifull sunny day.

The fact that enrages is that serbian regime has totally and apsolutelly taken the control of all the media. Which means that only few words come in, and that language of hatred, production of enemies and vengeance politics is increasing every minute. Four TV stations fused in one and two others in the other one. The people who do not have satellite TV get few news per hour, about shelters and enemies, and nothing else. This is as well frightening. Many women did not sleep last night, and sirenas are on and off every couple of hours. So some of us are constatly on the phone with those who feel bad.

Once again feminists and pacifists from Belgrade are again this time sending sisterly tender words for our friends and Albanian women and their families in Kosovo.

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