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Montreal Manifestation! - March 29, 2001!

English follows. Scroll down.

Les Re-percussions de la ZLEA !

Le 29 mars prochain, les 34 ministres de l'environnement de la Zone de libre-echange des Ameriques se reuniront a Montreal. Il s'agit d'une rencontre s'inscrivant officiellement dans le processus de la ZLEA.

Demontrons a ces messieurs et au monde entier les RE - PERCUSSIONS de la ZLEA!!!

Rendez-vous a midi tapant, le 29 mars prochain a Montreal, devant l'hôtel OMNI, a l'angle des rues Peel et Sherbrooke.

Soyons creatifvs! Venons costumees en mais ou en tomate transgeniques !

Nous proposons de demander publiquement a cette occasion que les ministres suivent une session de formation d'une heure sur la ZLEA et l'environnement, gracieusement offerte par nous! Envoyez vos revendications a, nous reclamerons a ces ministres qu'elles soient inscrites a leur agenda.

Montrons-leur quels sont les vrais enjeux! La planete agonise... Que notre musique devienne les cymbales de la resistance a la ZLEA.Nos voix doivent s'elever! Il n'y aura pas de repos avant que ce traite empoisonne soit mort et enterre!

Cet appel a la resistance non-violente vous est envoye par Operation SalAMI, SOS Gaia et la Table de convergence de l'opposition pacifique au Sommet des Ameriques. Beaucoup de groupes ecologistes ainsi que des groupes de percussions militants ont deja repondu a notre appel.

Ceci est un rendez-vous ! A midi tapant ! Le 29 mars prochain devant l'hôtel OMNI, a l'angle des rues Peel et Sherbrooke.

Pour infos : 524 8088,

Re-percussions of the FTAA

On March 29th, the 34 Ministers of the Environment of the Americas will meet in Montreal. This is an official meeting scheduled within the Free Trade Area Of The Americas (FTAA) process.

Let's show them and the world... The Re-PERCUSSIONS of the FTAA!

Let us meet in Montreal on March 29th in front of Hotel Omni - corner of Peel and Sherbrooke for a PEACEFUL PROTEST.

Be creative! Music. Art. Theater. Lets captivate the attention of the media and the public. Be heard: bring music, song, and chants.

Be seen: come costumed as plants and creatures of the forests, genetically modified corn and tomatoes, etc. Send your creative action ideas to, to help evolve our demonstration and ensure that the public be made aware and concerned about the state of affairs with the environment.

As well, we intend to publicly request that the Ministers, on this occasion, attend an one hour information session on the FTAA and the environment, graciously offered by us.

Send your requests for issues to be highlighted, to, and we will demand that these requests be entered on the Ministers' agendas. We will show them what the real issues are! THE PLANET IS DYING AND THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY IS THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION!!!

Let our music be a cymbal of our resistance to the FTAA — And a declaration that we will not rest until this poisonous agreement is dead and gong!

This call for nonviolent action is being sent to you by Operation SalAMI, S.O.S. Gaïa, and the Table of Convergence in opposition to the Summit of the Americas. Numerous ecological groups as well as militant percussion groups have already answered the call.

This is a public assembly! 12:00 noon sharp! March 29th in front of Hotel Omni - corner of Peel and Sherbrooke.

For more info: (514) 524-8088;
(514) 932-8715

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