May 20, 1998

Ottawa activists join international day of protest against the WTO

Ottawa - A giant Suharto puppet and men in suits playing soccer with an inflatable globe will be among the sights to be seen during a rally in front of the Royal Bank, at the corner of Sparks and Metcalfe at noon on Wednesday, May 20.

This is just one of many events being held across Canada and around the world

Wednesday to protest May 18-20 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Geneva.

The street theatre in Ottawa's rally will demonstrate what millions of indigenous peoples, environmentalists and other concerned citizens dislike about the WTO.

"That's what's happening at the WTO - men in suits are players in the game of international capital - using the world and the fate of millions of people around the world as their soccer ball", said Dave Bleakney, spokesperson for the Peoples' Global Agenda.

Exiled East Timorese activist Bella Galhos will be at the rally to speak about the links between brutal dictators like Suharto and establishments like the WTO.

Guatemalan political refugee Roberto Miranda will also speak about the WTO's role in repression in Latin America and Mexico.

"At a time when capital knows no borders, the WTO is the main broker of international trade agreements - these players and the injustice of world trade agreements must be exposed", said Bleakney.