archivi delle proteste globali
archives of global protests

Links to organisations and other pages

For continuing discussion of the preparations and themes of the second gathering subscribe to encounter2 by sending the message

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The Organising Commissions below are ones that ZAP and fHUMAN were asked to help co-ordinate setting up by the Prague meeting. A big thanks to all the individuals who volunterred to set up these commissions and have done all the hard work in the months since to make this encounter possable

Along with other European Commissions fHUMAN and ZAP were also responsible for collecting pre-inscriptions from Colombia, Oceania, the English speaking Antillas, Africa (English speaking), Western Sahara, Brazil, Belize, Arabian Peninsula, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, East Timor, New Guinea, Taiwan and Lithuania


To the For Humanity and Against Neo Liberalism index

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