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Fri Sep  4 00:25:04 1998

Declaration of the
International Independent Commission

1. We are among those people in Europe who are more and more alarmed by the news coming from Germany. We wonder how it can be possible that in Germany immigrants are being attacked, synagogues are burning again and refugee dwellings are being set on fire. Now we hear that (in Lübeck following the terrible fire in January 1996 in which ten people were killed) the public prosecutor is no longer looking for the arsonists and murderers among racists and other xenophobic groups, but instead has arrested a person whose family is itself threatened. We are alarmed by similar news from other places.

2. The latest news that has reached us from Lübeck in our home countries is the imposition of a news blackout and the threat of expulsion of witnesses from the Federal Republic of Germany. Subjecting witnesses to such a threat undermines the task of solving the case.

3. For all these reasons, we have taken it upon ourselves to observe the work of the investigating authorities as an International Independent Commission, to help find out the truth, and to this purpose to come to Lübeck as well. This we consider a common interest of the people in our countries and those people in the Federal Republic of Germany who do not want to see their country sink down into a darkness in which a terrible German past threatens to come alive again.

Constitutional session
Lübeck, 22/04/1996

Members of the International Independent Commission (IIC):
Mario Angelelli, Roma• Geoffrey Bindman, London • Christian Bruschi, Marseille • Angiolo Gracci, Firenze • Beate Klarsfeld, Paris • Hans Langenberg, Utrecht • Felicia Langer, z.Zt. Tübingen • Gaetano Pecorella, Milano • Arturo Salerni, Roma.
Base: Schoolplein - Advokatenkollektief, Schoolplein 5A, 3581 PX Utrecht

Correspondence in The Federal Republic of Germany:
Law firm: Heinecke pp., Budapester Straße 49, 20359 Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0)40-439 60 02; Fax: +49-(0)40-439 31 83

Account No. 1251 453 500, Hamburger Sparkasse, BLZ 200 505 50,
Account holder: Gisela Wiese, Keyword: IUK Lübeck

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