Refugee support / Refuge support via Internet

initially presented at the
II. Intercontinental Congress for Humanity and against Neoliberalism
in Spain, Summer '97

The extremely small chances for refugees and migrants to reach the rich countries of Europe and to stay there, are being systematically destroyed by official regulations and bureaucratic hurdles which are becoming more rigorous every day. Therefore it is more important than ever before to obtain precise information about legal and other conditions concerning entry, permits and residence. A dialogue concerning existing possibilities (or others which should simply be created) in the various European countries makes the support of refugees / migrants more efficient.

The Project

As a result we wish to create a polyglot website, where you can find concrete information concerning migration/refuge/asylum in and around Europe. The pool of information should be directed at support groups as well as at persons concerned directly or indirectly. It should thereby be possible for refugees/migrants to inform themselves about the possibilities in Europe from within their native countries or from transit countries. Also support-groups or individual helpers can get information about the situation in their own countries and furthermore in other countries.


At the II. Intercontinental Congress for Humanity and against Neoliberalism our project was received positively and we were entrusted with the creation of the website. At the moment we are deepening our existing contacts to groups which are working in the refugee-political sphere and we are trying to make contact with new groups at the international level. Thereby we are asking you to help us.

A first step is to build up dossiers of each country: What is the situation like in country 'x' for refugees/migrants from country 'y'? What is the administration of justice like? Are there regional differences in regulations/administration? Who can help further? etc. With regard to the diversity of the refugees/migrants concerning their country or region of origin, sex, age, sexual orientation etc. we need information from you. We will edit and translate the information and put it on the website. So that it can be read back worldwide.

In addition to this we are planning a forum of discussion where you can publish political statements, exchange experiences, elaborate theoretical positions for example; refuge-assistance. There shall also be a news-ticker, a calendar of events and the possibiliy of letters of protest via internet. Our website should also be useful for journalists who are engaged in this theme.


In order for the project to work, we shall in any case need brief, basic, practical information and political assessments - for example about the entry conditions in your country and even any changes in these conditions.
Firstly, we would ask you to send us basic information which further assists refugees and support groups. In addition to this you could send us a presentation of your group or notice of any events. If you also have a website we would like to install links to you and other groups.

If you are interested in the project please get in touch with us. We hope that you will support us with much useful information, and we ask you to inform other groups about our project.

Please indicate which information is not intended for publication and if necessary, send it with adequate discretion.

Initially, please fill in the following provisional questionnaire and return it. You will receive a response from us, in which we will ask you more specific questions, fill in the gaps and we will respond to your requirements and requests.

In each case we will treat all available information with the utmost sensitivity!


die 'Stadtratten'

Munich, December 1997

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