Further education

Admission requirements for university studies

Entry and residence provisions

Financial preconditions


(source: DAAD: Studium in Deutschland, Informationen für Ausländer über das Studium an deutschen Universitäten, 5. Auflage 1997)

Admission requirements for university studies

The language of instruction at German universities is German, with very few exceptions. It is recommended to attain a good working knowledge of the language before arrival. Before beginning studies the 'foreign students German language test for entry into further education' (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber - DSH) must be completed. The examination may be retaken twice.

If the prospective student's school matriculation is deemed not to be up to the standard of the German 'Abitur' or is not recognised at all, then a 'Feststellungsprüfung' (assessment test) is required. Those who have successfully completed two semesters of studies in the country of origin may be directly accepted for studies in Germany.

Prospective students by whom it is deemed necessary to sit the Feststellungsprüfung, are strongly advised to attend the preparatory studies' school (vorbereitende Studienkolleg) for one year. These schools prepare students for studies in specified subjects and in a school manner: The T-course may be attended in preparation for university studies in technical and mathematical natural sciences, the M-course for medicine, pharmacology, and applied subjects, the W-course for economics and social sciences, and the G- course for Germanic studies, history and philosophic studies.

Entry and residence provisions

Students from EU states or from states with which the FRG has made exceptional regulations (Honduras, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the USA), do not require a visa for study purposes. Students from all other states must obtain a student visa issued by the Germany embassy or consulate.

A tourist visa cannot later be exchanged for a study visa. It is therefore recommended that a study visa be applied for in the first place, in order to avoid an unnecessary trip home. In order to save time, one should get informed as soon as possible by German representative agencies abroad. Preparation of the necessary papers takes time, perhaps as much as one year. The following papers are required for a visa application of this type:

If the student was unable to make contact with German universities from the country of origin, it is possible to apply for another type of visa for study purposes, similar to the study visa, with which one can enter Germany without having submitted a formal academic application and without the usual induction papers of an academic institution or prep college. This so called 'Studienbewerber-Sichtvermerk', which means more or less an endorsement in the passport of an aspirant-student allowing him/her to enter Germany for up to three months to inform him/herself about study opportunities, acquire those papers still lacking for applications or induction to a particular faculty and then to apply for an extension to the residence permit without having to leave Germany once again. The necessary papers are the same as those described above with the exception of the Notification of provisional acceptance from the desired college (Zulassungsbescheid)

Financial preconditions


The 'academic foreign-office' (Akademische Auslandsamt) of each university offer advice and consultation.

Further education establishments do not themselves offer scholarships. An application for such, is to no avail. There are however other institutions which offer scholarships. The most extensive German scholarship programme is that of the DAAD. However, only advanced students or, (depending on the country of origin and the academic subject), graduates, need apply for a DAAD scholarship. By other scholarship schemes, various other conditions are applicable. An application for a full study grant from the first to the last semester, is by DAAD and by the majority of the other institutions, out of the question.

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