Large Attachments




Attachments are files which can be attached to e-mails (as enclosure or appendix). Their contents are therefore not visible within the editable window of the e-mail programme.

If you send to us attachments to files via e-mail, then please make sure that these are not too large. There are two reasons:


For this reason we suggest that you proceed as follows:

  1. Compress the file with a suitable program. The most common format is the Zip format, although we are able to decompress most formats. (See also the section 'compressing files' under Updates and downloading on our home page). When compressing files you should, where possible opt for the form of 'maximum compression'. It depends on the program you are using; it may have a slightly different name.
  2. If the file is still very large, 360 K ought to be considered as maximum, to be on the safe side, then divide it up into a number of files. If you have some experience with compression programs, then you could carry out this small step at the beginning. If you are using MS Windows, then you won't need to bend over backwards, since a small program exists called split, which will quite simply complete this step for you. It is 'freeware', which means free of charge, and is available via After installing this program you will be able to divide any file via the pop-up menu (right-hand mouse button) of the most common file managers, as with Windows Explorer. The program is very easy to use.
  3. Once you have divided the file, you can then send us each component file as an attachment of a separate e-mail, (otherwise you could have saved yourselves the splitting up of the file).

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