April 22-23 2006 DC Mobilization - IMF, World Bank Spring meeting

Peoples' Health Dept. Symbolically Cites IMF for Metaphorical Health Code Violations

Mike Flugennock | 21 Apr 2006 – dc.indymedia.org

Non-mass mobe drags out old A16 puppets in order to allegorically shut down IMF. IMF rent-a-pigs match street theater participants one-to-one. Visiting delegates stricken with deep-down lack of terror of no confrontational mass protest whatsoever. Special guest star Thomas Friedman plugs his current tome, "It's A Flat, Flat, Flat, Flat World".

A quick and merciful 07:24 (mpeg4 • 20,3 MB)

"Like Seattle Never Happened" was the apparent theme at this year's small and intimate non-mass mobilization. The look of a hunted animal crossed the faces of no delegates at all as they alighted from limos and vans and sauntered casually into the building.

The complete non-filling of the streets by the roiling masses of students, workers and vanguardists acting in solidarity to jam the machinery of corporate rule at this spring's meetings was awe-inspiring in no way, shape or form.

A strategic advantage of no kind whatever was gained by demonstrating to the police and private security our ability to never at any time pose any threat to the meeting.

apr 22-23 dc mobilization | imf/world bank | www.agp.org (archives) | www.all4all.org

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