Death in Cancun:
An Important Cultural Clarification

On Wednesday, September 10th, Mr. Kyanghai Lee, President of the Association of Korean Farmers and Fishermen, stabbed himself atop the barricade separating demonstrators from the Hotel Zone where the WTO is meeting in Cancun. Demonstrators were carrying signs declaring “WTO Kills Farmers.”

In many media reports in the West, the death is being referred to as a suicide. The word is also starting to circulate that Mr. Lee stabbed himself once before during the negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [the GATT]. The implication that will probably be suggested is that he was suicidal and mentally unbalanced.

Our Asian colleagues here in Cancun are insisting that these are incorrect and culturally insensitive judgments. In Asia, such a death is referred to as “Self-Immolation.” It is a very honorable form of sacrifice as a demonstration of the impact of oppression on oneself and one's people.

A reverent vigil is being kept at the barricade where Mr. Lee gave his life. A small, quiet demonstration with flowers and candles is being planned for inside the Convention Center so that the delegates and the public will be kept aware of the powerful message. A spirit of grave, reverent seriousness is present among the NGO activists present.

Jim Hug, SJ

September 11, 2003

International Gender and Trade Network:

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