archivi delle proteste globali
archives of global protests



there is no 13


We live in a period when human relations are intensely colonized. Everywherethe same social system subjects humanity to the law of money and homogenizeslife, generating poverty and devastation. Faced with the ruins inflicted bythis relentless machine, resistances arise from other ways of life, yet these seem condemned to isolation. The time has come to break the vicious circle which prevents humanity from bringing together its unease, its struggles and the will for change.

In Mexico the armed revolt of the indigenous community of Chiapas, organized by the EZLN, has opened the way towards a different future for us all. Since the 1st January 1994 the imaginative struggle of the Zapatistas has spurred people worldwide to create alternatives to neoliberalism. Their initiatives have been created outside the bounds of traditional institutional politics and always seek to involve the greatest possible numbers, especially among marginalized people.

In this spirit the First Intercontinental Meeting for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism was organized in August 1996, hosted by five indigenous communities in Chiapas, despite the military occupation and siege by the Mexican Federal Army. The first Encuentro attracted more than three thousand people from 43 countries in five continents. They gained the opportunity to meet each other, to reflect and express themselves, in an unprecedented act of solidarity.

These participants dared to cross the threshhold opened by the Zapatistas and sought to cross to the other side of the looking-glass. There everyone could be equal, precisely because they succeed in being different, so that various ways of life co-exist, all joined in rejecting the present system with the desire to construct a world which includes many worlds -- the 'humanity' of which we speak.

Everywhere there are people who are fed up with the dominant values, who seekto change their own lives, to open new spaces and construct a more dignified

present. Everywhere there are willing accomplices desiring to live an adventure. To achieve this, it is worth extending the Chiapas initiative and creating the network of resistance which was proposed by the first Encuentro:

'An international network of resistance in which people help each other, a network without an organized structure, without a central command, without a hierarchy. A network comprising all those who resist.'

For all those aims we announce the next Encuentro:


¥25th July : MADRID

Reception of people from around the Planet (Earth)

First Party or the starting of new relationships

¥26th July : MADRID

reception of the rest of the people

evening : Opening act + mad party until late

¥27th July : MADRID

Demo in Madrid centre (12 pm). Bring banners, noise (whistles, drums, other instruments, ...) and lots of energy and good mood

evening : depart of the anti-neoliberalism caravans to the different venues.

¥28th - 31st. July : VENUES

Reception in the different venues and tables work ( debates in the different tables and subtables ).

Tableswork will be combined with parallel events : concerts,exhibitions, video showings,...

Farewell in the different venues and travel to El Indiano .

¥1st. August : EL INDIANO

Reception and public event.

¥2nd. August : EL INDIANO

Conclusions of the Gathering and Farewell party.

Train back to Madrid (on the 3rd.)



Place : San Sebastian de los Reyes

Accomodation : sport hall (please bring sleeping bags !)

Food : in the public schools

Capacity : 1,000 people

More information :


Place : different sub-venues of a 300 people capacity each : Barcelona districts, Terrassa, Hospitalet and Priorat region.

Accomodation : in private houses and collective spaces like schools, squats, Priorat- camping.

Capacity in total : 1,000 to 2,000 people

Food : breakfast and diner at the accomodation space. Collective lunch at the sub-venue.

Organised by : Catalan Assembly for the Second Gathering ( an assembly formed by interested people and different collectives like solidarity groups, womens groups, anti-military, lesbian-gay, Gipsy, trade unions, etc.)

More information : Col.lectiu de Solidaritat amb la Rebelio Zapatista . C/Cera 1-bis. 08001 Barcelona.

e-mail : . Ph. : 3-442 21 01/ 3-329 06 43


Place : RUESTA - Little village in Aragon, close to the Pyrenees, restored by CGT Trade Union.

Accomodation : camping tents.

Capacity : 300-400 people

Services : Youth Hostels (2), general servicies and information services, tents for tables discussions and meetings.

Organised by : Platform of Solidarity with Chiapas ( Trade Unions, christian groups, community groups, solidarity groups,etc.)

More information :

Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas

C/ San Vicente de Paul, 26 50001 - Zaragoza

e-mail :

Ph.: 76- 393305 Fax: 76 39 54 34


Place : Land El Carambolo . Alternative centre for environment located at a tropical coast 2 Km from Almunecar and 75 Km. from Granada.

Accomodation : camping tents. Food : breakfast and diner in the camping . Lunch in the public school in Almunecar.

Large meetings at the House of the Culture in Almunecar Discussion tables (10 groups of 50 people) in open space (UNDER TROPICAL TREES!) in the land El Carambolo . More information : Colectivo Zapatista de Granada

Organised by : Zapatista Groups from Granada, Almeria, Malaga and Sierra de Huelva.

More information :

C/ Marques de Falces, 5 2a. 18001 Granada.

e-mail :

Ph: 58- 29 52 67 Fax : 58- 29 22 80


Alternative agricultural project in a land squated by peasants from a Trade Union (Sindicato de Obreros del Campo). Located at the mountains (autocton vegetation) 3Km from Puerto Serrano and 90 Km from Seville).

Accomodation : Camping tents, space covered by cane celing.

Capacity : 500-600 people

Services : Main house El Indiano. Public buildings in the town : public school, kinder garden, sport hall, etc.

Central meeting in a big open space in the land El Indiano.

Organised by : Zapatista groups of Seville, Huelva, Cordoba and Lebrija.

More information : Comite de Solidaridad Zapatista de Lebrija

C/Trainera, 4 .41740- Lebrija (Sevilla)

Ph.: 55- 97 29 02Services :


The contents have been decided through a consultation answered by over 1,000 people.

BIG THEMES distributed between the different tables :

1. Neoliberal economics against humanity. Our lives beyond economics.

2. Our worlds and their world.

3.Struggles for culture, education and information.

4.The woman and her struggles./ The struggle against patriarcahy.

5. Struggles for the Earth and Ecology.

6. Against any form of exclusion.

Each theme will be discussed from the perspective of questions debated in Chiapas : politics, society, economics and culture.

This time the additional perspective of gender will be looked at

The creation of a Network of Struggles and Resistence will be present as a theme in each table . The structure and set up of the Network will be based on the discussion of the following points :

The power in the society and the Network as an anti-power.

New ways of doing politics

Who forms the network : Which kind of struggles and movements.

How to include everywhere the more excluded around the Planet.

Pragmatical conclusions : proposals and organisatorial criteria.


The objectives and areas of discussion are based on the consulta which was answered by over 1000 people

The second gathering is a gathering of struggle. That means that the theme and contents of the discussions have to be focused on these struggles and our experiences although in a broad and all encompassing manner.

There is a need to create a network of struggles. This we believe should be discussed at every table.

For the second gathering to pretend to be useful it must identify new ways of struggle and new forms of politics. We must make sure there is a real discussion between the participants therefore both time and space have to be provided for learning from each other and exchanging experiences.

To give some structure to the contents of the discussions the following criteria have been decided

This is a gathering of struggles; we'll include the theoretical aspects but our departure points are the struggles; which ones; where they are and how they are.

At every table the creation and the features of the network need to be discussed


In order to fulfil these objectives our scheme of work must resemble entering a cube

Front face - the entrance: Here we find the struggles, they need to be sorted under some criteria

On the sides we find the analysis and methodology and all the themes discussed in Chiapas, these have to be present and each of them used as a tool of political analysis of each struggle and experience. (In this way we reach a compromise by including the thematic structure used in Chiapas)

This time we also add gender as a tool of analysis.

Some examples:

To implement the conclusions of table C, "Which politics have we got and which politics do we need" means that in this gathering we ask, what politics does this struggle confront and what new way of politics shows in its development?

To implement the conclusion of the table about "economics, histories of terror" we need to ask: How does this struggle contribute to breaking the logic of the market, the dominant logic that controls every relationship. How does it contribute to introduce new human and ethical values which seek to satisfy human aspirations?

In reference to the conclusions of the table "Culture, from the potato to cyberspace" the idea would be to analyse how through every struggle the dominant values, the intellectual power can be changed, creating new experiences of free thought.

The conclusions about the social movements have a direct application to the analysis of each struggle. They must show a new way of being political, new ways of creating a relationship between the different forms of struggle and resistance.

Finally, because we talk about a world with room for many worlds within each struggle we need to see how to expand our notion of the world (Earth) as we connect and integrate the different but similar struggles of the planet.

We need to see how the diversity of real struggles provide a way of building each of the different worlds a place in our world.

Referring to gender the question would be how the struggles within itself and its surroundings the existing relationships (between men and women)?

At the back of the cube is the exit. Here is the creation of the network as the result of this exchange of experiences. It is important to emphasise that this answer is not a simple methodological consideration. This is the objective we are aiming for in this 2nd Gathering. If we are unable to construct a relationship between struggles, giving to them harmony, a learning process, a system to grow together from the idea that they are connected all the questions won't go beyond simple political discussions.

The idea of the network is not simply a technical problem; one of collecting addresses, fax numbers or internet addresses. It is essentially a political problem, a new organisation way we have to fill up with our own utopias, values and understandings of humanity and politics.

To gather the struggle we must consider those concrete ones against he way neoliberalism reduces and impoverishes necessities and human aspirations. These express themselves as struggles for humanity, they build up alternative human values.

From all these ideas the following themes were agreed.

1. Neoliberal economics against humanity. Our lives beyond economics.

2. Our worlds and their world.

3. Struggles for culture, education and information.

4. The woman and her struggles./ The struggle against patriarchy.

5. Struggles for the Earth and Ecology.

6. Against any form of exclusion.

I. This includes all the struggles against neoliberalism in the world of work, the concept of work, the creation of the conditions for life. This includes all the struggles based in alternative economies and ways of life

II. This includes struggles and experiences in opposition to the perverse effects of the globalization of relationships, economic, political and institutional that neoliberalism imposes.

Counterpoised to this we have the defence and recreation of our own values of solidarity, cooperation and the relationship between the people and the struggles of the world.

III. This includes struggle against the disintegrating models of global culture, alienating education, discrimination and unequal access to the creation and control of information.

VI. The agenda will be finalised afterh the women have gathered in Vienna (1-2 May)

V. Its Obvious

VI. We want to include in this theme not only forms of exclusion created by neoliberlism but also the forms of exclusion that exist inside unfair and repressive societies that are often get reproduced in groups fighting neoliberalism.

The theme of hte creation of hte network will be included in every table. The following themes should be discussed In respect of this

A - Power in the society and the network as a counter power. This point is essential because it clarifies that the network is not just a technical problem. It's a problem of understanding hte concrete and specific forms in which the power of injustice and anti-humanity expresses itself destroying our best aspirations, of understanding how this power limits our utopias.

From this an understanding has to emerge of our positive proposal, our proposal of what we want to do in order to construct a world with room for all the worlds of the planet.

This point includes

A.1 The dominant power

A.2 Our utopias and persepectives

A.3 Gender in the network

A.4 The network structures as a new notion of power

B - New ways of doing politics

How much is neoliberalism running in our blood

How to create a new language of struggle (as the Zapatistas have) that allow us to connect in a new way with society?

C Who comprises the network, which sorts of struggles and movements

A deep discussion about who really has the new thoughts and who is just reproducing the old ways.

D How to integrate the more oppressed in each part of the planet.

E Pragmatic solutions: Proposals and critique of organisation. All the themes above make sense if we are able to connect them in proposals and intatives that create a grouping of struggles.

Time distribution in the talks

The first half of each tables work will be decidated to exchanges about the struggles present.

In the second half it will be decided how much time to allocate to the discussion of the creation of the network at each table or subtable.

People have to think through this, it is not just 'one more theme'o talk about, it is the objective of the gathering, the deep treatment of the theme requires a seach for concrete proposals.

The consultation showed there is a requirement for open tables for specific themes so struggles that want there own space can have it. The gathering wants to be as inclusive as possable.



1. Name/Nickname ...................................

2. Address (optional) ...................................


3. Are you part of any organisation/collective ? Which one ?


4. Address of your organisation/group/collective



5. Can one of these addresses be included in the Network list (to be sent information about the Gathering)



6. Arrival date.............................

Transport used : ...................................

7. Are you coming with children ? What ages they are ?


8. Are you vegan ? Vegetarian ? Omnivore ? (Do you eat meat + and everything) ...................................

9. Which languages do you speak ?...................................

10. Are you able to be a translator for the Gathering?...................................


11. Themes in the gathering you want to take part (preferential order) :

1 ...................................

2. ...................................

3 ...................................

12 Which extra activities will you organise for the Gathering (talks, workshops, projections, etc.)


13. What do you need in order to do these activities ?


14 Are you going to do a speech ? About which theme ?


15. What do you need in order to present it ? (video, slides projector, etc.)


16. (there is no question number 16, a mistake ?)


17. Can you donate money a part from your personal quota ? How much, and in which way ?


18. Do you think you will have financial problems to attend the Gathering ? Which sort of financial problems ?...................................


19. Any other things you want to add ?...................................



20. Organisational commission you give your pre-inscription form to ...................................


People have to pick up the 3 themes they want to take part in (preferential order) and then a sub-theme for each theme. This is very important referring to the participants distribution into the different venues.

Although is not especially in the document we (ZAP) think that even the people that already sent the pre- inscription form do not need to send it again would be helpful for the organisation in Spain if they could also specify in which sub-theme do they want to take part in.

(see list below)

The subjects of discussion of the Second Gathering for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism

The intergalactic consultation (made in Frebruary-March '97) showed us that the Gathering has to be about struggles and that the contents have to be derived from the different experiences of struggle. This does not mean we will avoid the theoretical discussion about them.

The main objective will be the creation of a network of struggles and resistence, after the committment made in Chiapas last summer.

This Gathering has to be used to identify new ways of struggling and politics. In order to reach this points and reach an exchange of learnings and experiences a real discussion , with enough time and space ,has to be assured

Following big themes and sub-themes (or the unification of struggles and experiences) have been decided :

1. Neoliberal economics against humanity. Our lives beyond economics.

1.a. work and production media : concept, acces, unemployment, precarity, technological change and unemployment, productivism, economical agreements and our economies, etc.,

1.b. creation of conditions for a life with dignity : home, health, social state, etc.

1.c Alternatives economies : fair trade, self management, economies without money, cooperation,

1.d Ways of life beyond the market : reapporpiation, new self organised movements, etc.

2) Our world and their world.

2.a Globalization and new differences: Relationship between the N-W-E-S., new geometrics with space for our worlds, international agreements, the single mind that does not want spaces for freedom, the lies of the democracy in the "global village", the western consumer, origins of hunger and poverty, the war scenes, the death business, solidarity and cooperation, NGOs. Other ways of globalisation.

2.b Folks and identities. Old and new problems : nationalism, self determination, excluded or compliant, indigenous folks, etc.

2.c Human mobility or forced destiny : immigration, borders, refuggies, internal migration, etc.

3) Struggles for culture, education and information.

3.a Culture: each of our worlds is a necessary contribution and unique to the culture of everyone; global culture, multiculture or cultural imperalism? The resistence to the art and the art of resistence , culture as a tool of domination, the rescue of collective memories, etc.

3.b Education : a way to create freedom . Education to form better people rather than to form productive resources. Education: system domestication or a tool of freedom? Childhood colonisation, the learning process as a learning of participation and creation, experiences of free-education, the wisdom of folks forgotten by neoliberal civilisation, etc

3.c Information : they also want to own our personal details. Information and power, media concentration, technology and knowledge, the global society of information a paradigm that leaves us without access to information, new ways of creating a two tier society; etc.

4) The woman and her struggles / The struggle against patriarchary.

5) Struggles for Earth and Ecology

5.a, Land and rural areas. The point: peasant extermination.

5.b Property and struggles for the land.

5.c Land devastation.

5.d New technologies : nature as a machine programmed to serve world elites.

5.e Ecology as a business.

5.f Consuming and toxic rubbish

5.g Dirty and enviroment destroying energies

5.h Climatic changes and desertification

5.i. Water distribution, is it fair

5.j Cruelty to animals, animal liberation, etc.

6) Against any form of exclusion

6.a The segregationof children and old people.

6.b Prisoners and the ideology of guilt.

6.c Social prisoners and prisoners of conscience

6.d The exclusion of sexual diversity

6.e Undervaluing of disabled people and people with chronic illness.


1. We received a message telling about a fatal accident. Because of computer problems ( oh. no. again !) in Spain people have lost the whole information arrived before the 7th of June. They are very sorry about this...

Please if there is anybody who sent a paper before the 7th of June could sent it again .

E-mail :

If you want to write a paper send it to the same e-mail or send it to us in Ireland :

Zapatista Action Project


5, Merrion Row. Dublin-2

Phone/Fax : 353-1-676 04 35

There is a new document summarising the criteria described by the answers of the consultation and the different opinions that came up in meetings, or people had sent. This document pretends to be the base for discussions and also give criteria papers can be based on.


"For a world where all worlds fit"

Criteria which define the sort of gathering we want

1. The Second Intergalactic Gathering for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism is a gathering of struggles and resistances. We are going to learn from and about all of them developing in all corners of the world. Therefore the organisation of the contents is a form of grouping them together and focussing the discussions. For the exchange of real experiences, without this implying a renunciation of the diversity of thought and theory that diversity brings.

2. We want the discussion and the exchange of experience to help us develop new forms of politics, coming from utopia and hope, to invent new practical and effective forms of linking the struggles and resistances of the planet. The collective aspiration of this gathering must be the creation of a NETWORK OF STRUGGLES AND RESISTANCES. A network, without a centre controlling or directing, which respects and creates relationships between the existing struggles and resistances.

3. The women's struggles and the struggles against the patriarchy will be a universal theme, present at all the tables.

4. The consultation we carried out told us that one form of continuation of the First Gathering is respecting the thematic organisation of it. However, real continuation is not merely repeating a year later what was done in Chiapas. What we must do now is use those conclusions to analyse in depth the current struggles and then see how we can tie them together with the thread of our hopes woven into a network.

5. At least two thirds of the opinions given in the consultation ask that the themes not be 'prisoners' of just one table. That there should be two or more themes at each table.

6. the Second Gathering must be a place made with the materials of our best dreams, it will be wide, open, flexible and integrating. No struggle should be excluded: we want a world where all worlds fit.

7. We must ensure that the exchange of experiences and the analysis of every struggle generate fruitful discussions with broad participation and dynamics where everyone speaks and listens in order to learn together.


We talk about struggles in different languages but we all talk the language of utopia.

When we speak of a world where all worlds fit we mean that every struggle is enriched by contact with others.

For this we propose a method of analysis and a form of grouping the struggles and resistances.

The method

We want the results of the First Gathering to be at all the tables; not to repeat the conclusions of a year ago, but to help us learn from the struggles and resistances present.

And to give some examples, we think that we can ask ourselves questions like the following when discussing each struggle:

- The conclusions of the First Gathering table WHAT POLITICS DO WE HAVE AND WHAT POLITICS DO WE NEED ? can help us answer questions such as "What policy of the system does this struggle confront and what new politics can we see developing in it?

- Applying the conclusions from the table ECONOMY: HORROR STORIES brings us to questions like 'How does this struggle contribute to breaking the dominant logic which says people are subordinate to the market?'

- In relation to the table CULTURE FROM THE POTATO TO CYBERSPACE questions like 'How does this struggle contribute to changing the dominant values and breaking the inytellectual fraud of dogma, generating new forms of free thinking?

- The conclusions about SOCIAL MOVEMENTS have a direct application at the moment of analysing every struggle: they can teach us about new ways of doing politics, of organising struggles, of creating new alternative social structures.

Finally, when we talk of a world where all worlds fit, , we mean that every struggle can open up our concept of the world as we learn to connect and integrate struggles that are different but also similar because of the values and the utopias they defend.

Also included as a universal theme is that of gender or all struggles against patriarchy, in which the question could be 'how can this struggle change, inside and outside itself, the injust relations between the genders?

The struggles and resistances

In every corner of the planet men and women confront the concrete forms of how the power of money prevents the human needs from being satisfied and kills people's desires and aspirations.

These confrontations are also struggles for humanity which are constructing new values.

This is how, looking at how and where the diverse struggles are, we decided on the sub-themes.


The final quota has been established in 18.000 pesetas. Any money added to this will go to the solidarity pot to support people with financial problems.

Every organisational committee in Europe will collect the quotas and lodge them in the bank account. OUTSIDE EUROPE : They payment of the quota can be made once people arrives to Madrid.


every organistational Committee is responsible for organising the publicity in their area.


In each venue their will be a space where people will be able to leave fanzines, magazines, newspapers, etc. Written stuff from the different struggles.


There is one official logo, after the competition ( in which the participation was very poor). Ask Barcelona for the official logo.


Each venue will print a bulletin . Catalunya will print a newspaper. The number 0 will come out approximately a month before the Gathering and an other one will be print after the Gathering (about 5,000 copies).


Catalunya( will be the intergalactic connection for the press offices. Its responsibilities are :

- media inscription

- www press page

- information distribution

A part from this central office , each venue will have a press office with the same responsibilities. The offices will co-ordinate their work.

--Press inscriptions :

The second gathering is open to any journalist. Two criteria have been established :

1) official press : massive press, trans-national agencies with big capital )

Official press will pay the expenses for the infrastructure they will use.

2) Alternative press :

Is considered part of the Gathering . Will pay the inscription quota and as much as they can for the infrastructure expenses. In case an alternative media representative can only attend the Gathering for 1 or 2 days will only pay the expenses for these days, BUT if is possible for them to contribute with some more money this will be considered as very helpful !


The Press Committee will elaborate the press accreditation. There will be an accreditation for official press and one for alternative press.

These will content the real journalist name and the media name that's being represented in a very visible place.

The Organistational Committee from all over the world are responsible for giving a list with names and media names to the Press Committee.

The press offices will be open during the whole Gathering for inscriptions.


It will guarantee that anybody willing to write about the Gathering gets the necessary information.

It will also guarantee that :

If a discussion table wants to discuss with closed doors to the press it will be respected.

If somebody do not want to be in any photo it will be respected


The facilitation of translators from Spanish into English


Any declaration of any participant or organisational person of the Second Gathering must show plurality and diversity. There is no official opinions but individual opinions added to the rest of the individuals taking part in the Gathering.


Colegio Publico (public School) in Calle (Street) Valencia, number 7

San Sebastian de los Reyes

San Sebastian de los Reyes is a town outside Madrid. To go there get the BUS !%$ in Plaza Castilla.

You can arrive to Plaza Castilla (Castilla Square) by tube : line 1


The gathering is going to be completely self organised and independent from any govermental or institutional sponsorship.

The bank account for the Finances Committe is :

Asociacion "La voz de los sin voz"

Caja de Ahorros y de Pensiones de Barcelona

Avenida del Cid, 1 - 09003 Burgos. Spain

Account number : 2100-1420-73-0200063943

and please also send an e-mail to or fax (00-34-47-20 34 72) giving your name and adress or that of your collective/ group and the number of the account you have put money in. THANK YOU


In Britain please contact: fHUMAN (for Humanity and Against Neoliberalism) London Committee, c/o BM-CRL, London WC1N 3XX, email

Website address for English-language documents is:


Zapatista Action Project at

or at LASC PH/fax : 00-353-1-676 04 35

For further information and contact details for groups in other countries:

Colectivo de Solidaridad con la Rebelion Zapatista, Calle de la Cera 1 bis,

ES-08001 Barcelona, Spain Tel. +34-3-442 21 01 or 329 06 43, fax +34-3-329 08 58

E-mail International website address is

To the For Humanity and Against Neo Liberalism index

1st encuentro | 2nd encuentro | |